Experts from RM and PMR discussed the mutual exchange of data through civil registry bodies

11/01/19 17:21

Experts from RM and PMR discussed the mutual exchange of data through civil registry bodies

The meeting of the relevant groups took place after more than a year 's break

Tiraspol, November 1./Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today, on the initiative of the Pridnestrovian side, the office of the OSCE Chisinau mission hosted a meeting of expert groups on regulatory and documentation support for citizens of Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova, the PMR MFA press service reports. Experts continued negotiation after more than a year 's break.

«The parties discussed a number of topical issues affecting the interests of citizens living in Pridnestrovie and Moldova. One of the main areas of experts’ work is the need for agree on a comprehensive mechanism for the exchange of information containing citizens’ personal data. In this context, experts discussed the issue of mutual exchange of information through civil registration agencies and agreed to submit concrete proposals in the near future, the press release of the department told.

It is emphasized that within the framework of the meeting the Pridnestrovian side drew attention to the existing difficulties in obtaining information from the authorities of the State Registry Office of Moldova regarding children living in the PMR.

Following the meeting, the heads of delegations confirmed their readiness to intensify contacts in order to develop common approaches to create optimal mechanisms of interaction between the relevant bodies in the interests of citizens.


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