A new building was opened in Municipal specialized (correctional) educational institution №2

09/03/19 11:15

A new building was opened in Municipal specialized (correctional) educational institution №2

The first school bells sound today in all educational institutions of the republic. The President visited the festive assembly meeting of municipal specialized educational institution number 2 - the capital's comprehensive school-kindergarten for children with violation of the musculoskeletal system. There is a double triumph here today: the beginning of the school year is celebrated with a housewarming party - a new building of the educational institution is being opened. The pupils and the leadership of the educational institution cut the symbolic red ribbon together with the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The President congratulated the pupils and employees of the municipal specialized educational institution, most of whom are parents of the pupils of this correctional school, on the past Republic Day and the Knowledge Day.

“29 years is a considerable period for our republic. This is a time of experience, anxiety, hope and victory. One of these victories can be called the opening of the complex (kindergarten, school, boarding school) for children with disabilities. It is very wrong when such institutions are treated on a residual basis. They somehow all didn’t get their hands, there wasn’t enough attention, money”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, emphasizing that the responsibility of adults is to ensure the comfort of children, the duty of the state is to create normal conditions for the upbringing and education of children whose lives are not a priori their fault is harder than healthy children. The President spoke about the continuation of the work of equal opportunities begun in the Year on the improvement and equipping of existing and construction of new infrastructure facilities intended for study, sports, physical education, and the art of people with disabilities. The President expressed his gratitude to the parents of the schoolboys and schoolgirls, seeking to socialize their children as much as possible, as well as to employees of construction organizations for their understanding of the importance of such objects, professionalism and responsibility.


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