The President held video conference

08/05/19 12:17

The President held video conference

Vadim Krasnoselsky gave a number of current instructions, having heard reports of the leadership of the cities and regions of the republic. The President focused on updating the fences and railings of the bridge across the Dniester River after hearing, for example, information about work aimed at improving the capital’s infrastructure. Replacing fencing for wrought iron will make the object more visually attractive. The project is designed in the spirit of Catherine’s time, which will allow harmoniously integrating the Kitskany bridge into the overall concept of the park under construction. The President, noting that the priority issue remains the safety of citizens, ordered the city administration to take control of the repair of the object. In addition, emphasizing that half measures are unacceptable, he urged to put in order not only the railing, but also the curbs.

The President asked about advances in the improvement of park areas and places for citizens to spend their leisure time in other localities. Works are carried out everywhere as planned. It was noted that with the opening of new sites, local administrations will have the opportunity to diversify and bring cultural events to a qualitatively new level. It was noted that last week was quite fruitful in this regard. Most of all leisure themed events are held in Tiraspol and Bendery.

The interlocutors focused on preparing for the celebration of Republic Day. The President emphasized that the celebrations should be organized throughout the republic. At the same time, he recalled that the most massive holiday will be held in the capital. Representatives of all cities and regions will arrive in Tiraspol. Farmsteads will be business cards at the national celebration - gastronomic, musical, creative – this will be decided by local administrations.

Concluding the traditional Monday discussion of the situation on the ground, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled the extended meeting scheduled for Thursday with the heads. It will be held at the site of the Presidential Administration. Representatives of the PMR Government are invited to the discussion. The agenda includes improvement of human settlements, preparation for a new academic year and celebration of the Day of Education of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, as well as current issues related to the life of cities and districts of Pridnestrovie.


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