07/17/19 18:38


The head of the effective control department of the Tiraspol Customs Alexei Vyrodov revealed the details of customs operations simplification

Tiraspol, July, 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The State Customs Committee has simplified the procedure for the goods delivery. Now, economic agents can send the goods directly to their own sites and warehouses for customs clearance.

Such an addition was made to the order of the State Customs Committee “On the peculiarities of the production of customs operations related to the arrival, delivery, temporary storage of goods and vehicles and the collection of information about persons engaged in foreign economic activity” in May of this year. Now the place of delivery of goods can be premises, open spaces and other territories of persons who have the appropriate permission for storage, if the goods are imported in one vehicle to one recipient.

“Previously, economic agents had to deliver their goods directly to the customs control zone. Now, if they have the customs authority permission for safekeeping, they can deliver goods to the address where their warehouse is located,” Alexey Vyrodov, head of the effective control department of the Tiraspol customs office said.

He also explained that to obtain permission for the temporary storage of goods, economic agents should contact the customs authorities. After collecting the necessary documents, the process of reviewing for compliance with the requirements of the Customs Service begins. As noted in the department, the owners of the warehouse are given permission for an indefinite period, and tenants - for a certain period specified in the contract.

“When obtaining permission there are different factors. Everything depends not only on the customs authorities, but also on how prepared the economic agent is. There are certain requirements for warehouses. If they are not complied with, we demand that they be executed soon,” Alexei Vyrodov said.

For those persons who have received permission for the temporary storage of goods, additional conditions apply. Upon arrival at the place of delivery, the goods must be in an unchanged condition under customs security. All unloading and loading operations will be carried out only in the presence of the customs inspector.

Before completion of customs clearance, economic agents are not entitled to dispose of the goods. After delivery of the goods to the warehouse, the inspector inspects the presence of customs security and its integrity, as well as checks the accompanying documents and vehicle license plates. Then a permit is issued for the unloading of goods, which is in stock until the completion of clearance.

You can store the goods in warehouses for a month. Prior to this, only authorized operators had the ability to deliver goods directly to their own warehouses.


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