Vadim Krasnoselsky visited the official representative office of the PMR in Moscow

07/02/19 12:24

Vadim Krasnoselsky visited the official representative office of the PMR in Moscow

The official representative office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, was officially opened in January of this year. It was recreated by the numerous requests of Pridnestrovians who are in Russia. The presence of the center, in which you can turn for advice, assistance, support, is extremely necessary, emphasized the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky in the preparatory period for the opening. The representative office is an important platform for holding various events designed to inform the Russian public and the world community as a whole about the real situation in Pridnestrovie and the situation around it, to establish and develop cultural, humanitarian, socio-economic, trade relations, to maintain direct contacts with Moscow authorities.

Each visit of Vadim Krasnoselsky to the Russian capital involves a visit to the representative office. The PMR President meets here with Russian officials, public activists, journalists and naturally country fellows. Reception of citizens is necessarily listed in the work schedule of the President in Moscow. The current visit is not an exception. The President upon completion of communication with compatriots discussed the work of the representative office with its head Leonid Manakov, who said that in five months more than five hundred complaints had been received. Most often, the reception is given questions of obtaining citizenship (Russian or Pridnestrovian), military service, employment.

“Many citizens come temporarily to get a job. They acquire patents, find people who sell allegedly certificates of registration. A citizen who came here for two years to get a job, he bought a patent, paid twelve thousand rubles, purchased a registration, and police complain to him that the registration was false. They withdraw a passport, initiate a case. He speaks to us. We highlight a lawyer. We are keeping the issue under control”, Leonid Manakov cited one of the numerous examples.

One more important direction in the work of a representative office with citizens is medicine. Visitors often do not know all the intricacies of a complex mechanism for processing insurance policies.

Vadim Krasnoselsky and Leonid Manakov told that it is necessary to build a legal system to protect the constitutional rights of Russian citizens living outside the country, including Pridnestrovie and Pridnestrovians living in the Russian Federation in order to fully protect the interests of Pridnestrovians.

“These problems have always existed. Difficult questions, life. The life of a particular person depends on these decisions. The representation of Pridnestrovie in Moscow was created so that the person would have a place to come in so that he could get help from anyone. The main thing is to organize its provision. This is the main task of the representation staff. This is unfortunately impossible to solve all the issues, but you have to try. It is necessary to systematize the problems, to seek a legislative solution”, Vadim Krasnoselsky set the task.

Leonid Manakov told the PMR President that for the autumn of the current year it is planned to hold meetings of scientists, lawyers at the Pridnestrovian office in Moscow, the purpose of which is to discuss inquiries from citizens, to identify the most massive, to make specific proposals for legal solution. The President emphasized that no appeal to the office can be left without attention and reaction. Pridnestrovian, being away from home, should feel the support of compatriots, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky.

For information: The representative office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in the capital of the Russian Federation is located in the center of Moscow - Povarskaya Street 11, office No. 35 (Arbat district). In addition to the staff of the institution, official meetings and events, including the reception of citizens, are carried out during working visits to Moscow by the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the head of the foreign affairs department, representatives of the executive and legislative branches of power of the republic.


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