Deferment of military service for medical students

06/06/19 19:32

Deferment of military service for medical students

Such law was signed by the president Vadim Krasnoselsky

Health care is under special control of the President. In his opinion, the provision of a network of medical institutions of the country with highly qualified specialists is no less important than the restoration of the medical infrastructure. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers the multi-level professional education that students of the medical faculty of Pridnestrovian State University receive high-quality. At the same time, analyzing the current practice, the President drew attention to the fact that the norm allowing to receive deferment from military service applies to graduates of higher educational institutions undergoing an annual post-graduate internship (continuing education on the basis of a medical institution), but bypasses the two-year residency training. The President considered unacceptable this state of affairs. The Presidential Initiative on making amendments to the current version of the Law “On Universal Military Duty and Military Service” was sent to the Supreme Council in March of this year. Unconditionally supported by the deputies, it was signed today as a law. Now the opportunity to postpone military service for the period of postgraduate internship in state and municipal medical institutions of Pridnestrovie is provided to future and already certified doctors for the entire period of study, as well as internship and residency. Taking into account the specificity of medical practice, the desirability of maintaining the continuity of the educational process and the lack of personnel in the health care system, these changes are seen by the President as necessary.

The PMR Law on Making Amendments and Addendum to the Law on the Universal Military Duty and Military Service, signed today by the President, will enter into force on the day following the official publication.



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