02/13/19 17:18


Among advantages of business in Pridnestrovie experts noted the new investment legislation assuming preferences and legal protection for foreign investors

Tiraspol, February, 13. / Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The meeting of Prime Minister Alexander Martynov with representatives of the German consulting company «Berlin Economics» took place in the Government. The experts submitted the analysis in which estimated conditions and possibilities of the attraction of investments into the republic, relying on opinions of local and foreign investors.

The Government actively works on improvement of investment climate of the PMR. Alexander Martynov reminded that in the adopted Pridnestrovie Development Strategy 2019-2026 this is one of the key directions.

«We understand that execution of social obligations of the state, increase in our citizens living level is directly connected with the development of the economy», – the Press Service of the Government quotes the Prime Minister.

Alexander Martynov added that in this context of the recommendation of foreign experts are important both for public authorities and for the enterprise community.

The project manager Jörg Radek told that the submitted review of investment climate considers the point of view of local and foreign investors with whom Bjoern Fogler, the expert of the German company, communicated during the Pridnestrovian international investment economic forum-2018. Among the advantages of business in Pridnestrovie reflected in the analysis, there is the new investment legislation assuming enormous preferences for foreign investors and giving them legal protection.

During communication with investors, Bjoern Fogler recorded simplification of customs procedures, a decrease in the tax burden of business, macroeconomic stability, investment assistance at the high level. Business carried to attractive positions also low costs of energy resources, access to the key markets of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, reduction of an administrative burden.

As for the last, the dialogue of the state and business on the matter is regular. The German experts highly appreciated the accepted road cards on simplification of business and its support. As the Prime Minister told since 2019 these documents will undergo «reset», all points will be reconsidered and also the new road map with additional measures for adminbaryer decrease will be designed.

One of the problems specified in the analysis is access to cheap financial resources. The Government initiated subsidizing of interest rates for the credits for the enterprises of the priority industries which already shows certain progress (purchase of the new equipment, modernization and expansion of production). Preferential crediting is one of the positions in the structure of the Business Development Fund (the target source will be earned this year and is directed to support small and medium business).

Difficulties arise with a limited potential of human resources in our country. Here the Government works in several directions at once. It is about the introduction of dual education when the person receives practical skills directly at the enterprise and following the results of the study finds a job in the same place.

The second direction is the support of young families. It is about the creation of the Youth Development Fund. It assumes mortgage lending of young specialists (doctors, teachers and representatives of other professions of priority spheres) and also some other measures which will allow keeping young specialists in the republic. It is planned that the state will finance from 30% to 50% of the purchase of housing, and the rest expenses will be possible to pay by means of the credit for an available rate.

«Our researches results allow to draw a conclusion that there are opportunities for the attraction of additional investments into Pridnestrovie, but to use this potential, it is necessary to apply a purposeful approach which is aimed at carrying out further reforms in the field of investment climate», – Bjoern Fogler told.

According to «Berlin Economics», attracting investors focus on the PMR has to be made on a number of the industries. Among them: metalworking, structural elements, components for the construction and furniture industry, a detail (for example, frameworks of seats, profiles); agricultural processing and food industry (processing of fruit and vegetables, dairy and meat products); tailoring and footwear, composite and industrial textiles (for example, a furniture upholstery for the transport industry, insulating materials). Also among priority electrotechnical components and the equipment are called (an electric winding for distributive guards and transformer stations).

The German experts consider that Pridnestrovie needs to focus on the companies which have already carry out operations abroad and can rely on own investment experience in transitional economies.

In general experts of «Berlin Economics» gave a positive assessment to actions of the Government for improvement of investment climate in Pridnestrovie.


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