01/28/19 14:00


This year, 82 million rubles will be spent for the construction and reconstruction of facilities, and purchase of medical equipment

Tiraspol, January, 28. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Health system development in Pridnestrovie is one of the priorities not only of the Government, but also of all public authorities. These words began an extended meeting of the Prime Minister Alexander Martynov with the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Health, and also the district and city hospitals of the republic. The press service of the Government informs that they talked about the Capital Investment Fund-2019 program performance.

Alexander Martynov reminded that last year the focus of the work was on educational institutions. In 2019, special attention would be paid to the health care sector.

“We must ensure that repaired medical infrastructure facilities are as convenient and functional as possible for both patients and doctors” - Alexander Martynov said, and added that in 2020 and 2021 the priority of the health sector would be preserved.

82 Million Rubles on Health Care

In total, the cost of the Fund program would be 221 million rubles. Of these, 82 million are spent on medicine (37 per cent of the total estimate): just over 40 million would be directed to capital construction and major repairs of 31 facilities. The same amount would be directed to the development of the material and technical base.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Tsurkan, there was established a special commission that deals with the list of medical equipment required for the purchasing in 2019. Together with the parliamentarians, the list will be analyzed and approved by spring. It will include a set of equipment for urological operations (for the Republican Clinical Hospital), X-ray diagnostic equipment, medical compressors, refrigerators for vaccines storage, other consumables and supplies.

In order to address the issue in a comprehensive manner, Alexander Martynov instructed to develop a program of medical equipment refurbishment for the medium term. The document must be submitted to the Parliament by September.

Emergency Medical Services Development

Subject-matter experts are completing work on an ambulance development program. This year alone, the Fund will purchase about 5 medical ambulances. It is planned for 3-4 years to bring closure to the matter of transport at the emergency medical service stations. For the same period of time they will update the infrastructure in the emergency medical units. In addition, according to the program, Capital Investment Fund-2019 will provide for the purchase of training devices for the simulation class. 

Commission to the Government will be Approving Projects under the Capital Investments Program

As for the repair and construction of facilities, according to the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Head of the Department of Construction, Architecture and Road Management of the Ministry of Economic Development Ivan Untu, the work has already begun. At the suggestion of the Prime Minister, the Government will create a commission that would be approving projects under the Capital Investment Fund program.

“For each object, a detailed technical project will be formed, what scope of work will be carried out, what materials will be used for walls and floor facing, ventilation systems, air disinfection, water supply. After the commission approved the technical project, it would look for a contractor and supplier. In this case, we will have a common understanding of what we are doing” - Alexander Martynov explained substance of the offer extended.

The proposal was supported by the meeting participants, since in practice, during the construction or repair of facilities, the head physician is alone with the contractor, they said at the meeting. In order to eliminate all gaps in solving emerging issues, a commission with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economic Development, chief physicians and deputies will approve the object technical project.

On the instructions of the Head of Government, specialists will begin to form the program of the Capital Investment Fund 2020. Alexander Martynov reminded that the principle of operation is the same: the identification of critical points and their inclusion in the estimate.


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