Elektromash takes part in Russia's Import Substitution 2017 forum

09/19/17 13:03

Elektromash takes part in Russia's Import Substitution 2017 forum

The event was held at Moscow's Crocus Expo with the support of the Russian government
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Tiraspol, 19 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovie/. The event was organised at Crocus Expo in Moscow with the assistance of the Russian government. The forum was attended by dozens of large enterprises from various industries, among which was Pridnestrovaian Elektromash.

The national forum is a call for information exchange within cross-sectoral areas for dialogue in the form of cross-sectoral panel discussions and strategic sessions. The policy of export substitution has beeen pusued in Russia since 2014. Pridnestrovie is involved in actice cooperation in this field.

A Pridnestrovian delegation took part in the forum and a plenary meeting with the involvment of Russia's prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, which was held from 12 to 14 September. An official inviatation to such a high-profile event is already a recognition of the quality of the Pridnestrovian industrial goods.

According to the CEO of JSC Elektromash, Vladimir Trandasir, six topics discussed during the forum were of special interest for Pridnestrovian industrialists.

The forum allowed the Pridnestrovian delegation to understand the prospects ans accents that would be placed for our industries.

"An exhibition was also held at the forum with the particiaption of Russia's Transneft company. We've been cooperating with them for many years. We were able to meet the comapny's management and discuss the prospects for the next year," said Trandasir.

Electromash has cooperated with Russian customers for many years. Among them are welll-known companies — Transneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft, Metalloinvest and many others.

The enterprise mainly produces machines for the energy and mining industries, as well as for the atomic industry, which are supplied to Ukraine and Belarus.

The enterprise is fully operational today. It employs over 600 specialists, who produce nearly 500 large machines a month.

Elektromash has welding, blanking, mechanical, active part and electric machine shops, as well as a blacksmith's shop and even an oxugen-nitrogen station. Each shor is divided into several sections.

The enterprise gradually updates the range of its products, procures new machines and equipment.

"We have four competitors in Russia. We constantly undergo accreditation and audits in Russia. In recent years we have developed a number of new machines, including synchronous machines for the metallurgical industry as well as low-voltage machines, which has allowed us to occupy a new [market] niche," noted the technical director. Ivan Yankovsky.

With increased production and international ties, the enterprise has managed to significantly increase its revenues.

For example, if the share of Transneft's orders was 6% in 2016, now it amounts to nearly half of the plant's output.

"Ninety percent of our goods go to the Russian market. In 2016 our stock of orders was $6.6 million, and today it is $7.7 million. By the end of the year, we are planning to reach $8 million," Trandasir shared the plant's plans.


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