Moldova is not interested in maintaining peace, Bendery's local council fears

07/28/17 20:31

Moldova is not interested in maintaining peace, Bendery's local council fears

Bendery councillors have appealed to the guarantor states to prevent the escalation of tension in Pridnestrovie
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Tiraspol, 28 July. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Presidium of Bendery's local council has approved an appeal to the guarantor states today, said the chair of the council, Yury Kara, during a roundtable meeting entitled «The peace mission in the Dniester Region is the key to peace and stability.» According to him, the document has been submitted to Pridnestrovie's MFA.

«We, the inhabitants of Bendery, those who live today in the Security Zone, realise that only thanks to the Russian peacekeepers, peace is maintained in our city," said Kara.

According to him, banning Russian citizens who were going to take part in celebrations in the PMR from entering Moldova at Kishinev Airport, as well as Romania's refusal to admit the plane by which Russian vice premier Dmitry Rogozin was going to Moldova, will lead to a new spiral of tension in the region.

«Nobody wants to understand what's going on today. Those who do not know what peace means don't know what 25 years of peace is.

The appeal approved by the local councillors say that the ban on the entry of Russian citizens at Kishinev Airport was another step by the Moldovan authorities «in shattering one of the most efficient peacekeeping operations in history.»

«Denial of entry to Russian pop singers who wanted to make a holiday for the servicemen of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces and city inhabitants on this memorable day is seen as a negative factor and a desire to give a new impetus to the conflict," reads the appeal.

Bendery inhabitants also fear that Moldova is not interested in maintaining peace.

The city council calls on the guarantor states and international partners «to prevent the escalation of tensions both in Bendery and in Pridnestrovie.»

In the summer of 1992, the city of Bendery was attacked by Moldovan armed groups at the time of peace talks between Tiraspol and Kishinev. A few weeks of street fighting killed almost 500 people, half of whom were civilians. The war was halted by Russia, through the meditation of which fire was ceased and an agreement on the peaceful settlement of the conflict was signed. On 29 July 1992, Russian peacekeepers arrived in Bendery, after which shooting in Bendery ended.


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