President comments on State Duma's declaration on Pridnestrovie

07/09/17 12:53

President comments on State Duma's declaration on Pridnestrovie

The document stresses that "it is essential today to bring to the attention of all those interested in the escalation of conflict as clearly and publicly as possible the inadmissibility of any form of pressure, unilateral restrictive measures, various sanctions and blockades against the PMR"
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Tiraspol, 9 July. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Krasnoselsky has made a comment in connection with the adoption by Russia's State Duma of a declaration on the situation around Pridnestrovie.

The document recalls that Pridnestrovians always follow very closely the events that are taking place around the country as these processes are heavily dependent on the essential living conditions and literally the fate of each of us, the future of our children and loved ones.

«Unfortunately, in recent months the regional situation, including relations with neighbouring Moldova and Ukraine, has become increasingly complex. Despite our honest and open position, our desire to build a stable good-neighbourly relationship, our willingness to seek compromise solutions in negotiations with Moldova, certain forces are using unilateral provocations to deliberately aggravate the situation, create step by step new problems and obstacles," says the comment.

It clarifies that in this situation the State Duma's declaration has received particular attention and appreciation in Pridnestrovie.

«I believe this is an extremely timely expression of the principled position of Russia, which fully coincides with our assessments of the serious negative trends in the situation around Pridnestrovie, posing a real threat to the well-being and security of all Pridnestrovians, including over 200,000 Russian citizens living in Pridnestrovie. It is essential today it is essential today to bring to the attention of all those interested in the escalation of conflict as clearly and publicly as possible the inadmissibility of any form of pressure, unilateral restrictive measures, various sanctions and blockades against the PMR," says the president's comment.

The document emphasises that such destructive actions will not be silenced and unnoticed.

«We are very grateful to our Russian colleagues for the fact that the attention to Pridnestrovie paid by the Russian leadership, and particularly by the Russian parliament, has not waned. I'd like to point out in this regard that the Russian State Duma has shown true continuity and consistency of its position: 11 years ago the Russian legislature adopted a declaration on the outcome of the Pridnestrovian referendum of 17 November 2006, which indicated the position that Russia should build its policy in the light of the free will of the people of Pridnestrovie. It was stressed that the referendum results should be fully taken into account by the international community for the sake of human rights, peace and security and the just resolution of the Moldo-Pridnestrovian conflict.

We are grateful today for the position of Russian parliamentarians on the situation around the country. During these significant and even critical periods for our country, the deputy corps, nearly all leading political forces of Russia, hear the people of Pridnestrovie, understand and share our arguments," Krasnoselsky noted in his comment.

The president is confident that however some international actors and foreign politicians might try to tweak and hide their true objectives, mislead Russian colleagues, there is no getting away from the truth.

«In this connection, I want to point out that the statements made by MPs prior to the adoption of this declaration reveal a clear emphasis: in fact, all the top leaders of Moldova are jointly taking conscious steps to block Pridnestrovie be establishing Moldo-Ukrainian border and customs control, leading to the restriction of the freedom of economic activities of enterprises and individuals, the violation of the rights and decline in the standard of living of all out multi-ethnic people," underscored Vadim Krasnoselsky.

In his comment, the president appreciated the State Duma's call to solve all issues exclusively at the negotiating table. He noted that «Pridnestrovie fully shares this position, which is also reflected the numerous official documents of the negotiating process.»

«Under completely contrived pretexts, we are denied the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with partners in the existing international venues, perhaps thereby providing Moldova and other external actors with the possibility of exerting unpunished pressure on Pridnestrovie, imposing new restrictive measures on us. We insist that the negotiating process should be given the corresponding impetus. I believe that the first and most urgent step in this direction should be a long overdue meeting of the 'Permanent Conference…' in the '5+2' format. It is fundamentally important that Pridnestrovie's stance is fully shared by a guarantor in the process of conflict resolution and a mediator in negotiations — the Russian Federation," says the comment.

The recent decision of the Constitution Court of Moldova and the expulsion of a group of Russian diplomats participating in the work of the Joint Control Commission were another practical steps by Kishinev to eliminate the presence of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the region.

«In this context, Pridnestrovie will continue to use all resources and opportunities to fully support the ongoing peacekeeping operation, considering that any measures aimed at terminating it, reformatting or blocking the normal functioning of all elements, primarily the Joint Control Commission. We have no illusions, we are well aware that Pridnestrovie's future is dependent on its firm and consistent position based on the people's choice. This is an absolute priority for the leadership of the republic. It is that priority that underlies our foreign policy and the approaches that we are pursuing in the negotiating process with Moldova," notes the document.

On his personal behalf and on behalf of the people of Pridnestrovie President Krasnoselsky expressed gratitude to all Russian parliamentarians, to all political factions of the State Duma for their consolidated unanimous stance towards our republic.

«This shows that the Russian parliament, together with the fraternal Russian people, is equally appreciative of the challenges and threats facing us, expressing their support for Pridnestrovie as an integral part of the Russian world," concluded the president.


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