16 Pridnestrovians become students of Russian Customs Academy

09/06/16 16:45

16 Pridnestrovians become students of Russian Customs Academy

Tiraspol, 6 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Saint Petersburg branch of Russian Customs Academy has held a traditional matriculation ceremony. Among young students from Russia and CIS countries are 16 Pridnestrovians sent to study by Pridnestrovie's State Customs Committee on the quota allocated by Russia.

The ceremony took place in the Marble Hall of the Russian Ethnographic Museum, the SCC press service reports. It was attended by representatives of the academy's branch leadership, Saint Petersburg's government and the North-western Customs Directorate. The branch's director, Professor Siradzeddin Gamidullayev, delivered welcoming remarks to newly-fledged students.

Senior Pridnestrovian students will help their junior compatriots handle inevitable difficulties. The SCC has also conducted a preparatory work with the first-year students. Ahead of their departure to the academy, SCC deputy chairman Boris Panko had met the would-be customs officers. They discussed the specifics of the teaching process in the academy, the issues of hostel accommodation, medical insurance and so on.

The State Customs Committee of the PMR has been collaborating with Russia's customs academy for nine years. The past five years has become the period of active cooperation with the academy's Saint Petersburg branch where Pridnestrovie's SCC representatives major in customs studies, law, economics, management. The Saint Petersbourg branch of Russian Customs Academy has organised online courses for Pridnestrovie's customs officers.


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