Россия поможет решить проблемы Днестра

07/06/16 13:22

Россия поможет решить проблемы Днестра

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin declared it in Tiraspol.

Tiraspol, July 6. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Russia will send experts of the Ministry for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources to study the Dniester problems. The Russian Deputy Prime-Minister / the Russian President's Envoy for Pridnestrovie Dmitry Rogozin declared it following the results of the meeting with the Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk.

«Those decisions of Ukraine are mischievous for the entire region in general, for the people, for the ecology, for the nature. One mustn't do so in relation to such rivers as Dniester basically turning it into a stream," Rogozin declared commenting on Kiev's desire to build a cascade of power plants on the Dniester.

He noted that the issue was discussed both at the meetings with the Pridnestrovie's leadership and during his visit to Chisinau.

According to Rogozin, it would be appropriate for Chisinau and Tiraspol to stand together as initiators of an international investigation in this situation.


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