Russian and Pridnestrovian customs services sign cooperation memorandum

04/15/16 15:49

Russian and Pridnestrovian customs services sign cooperation memorandum

Tiraspol, 15 April. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The cooperation memorandum has been signed between Russia's Federal Customs Service and Pridnestrovie's State Customs Committee. In addition to representatives of both agencies, the signing ceremony was also attended by Pridnestrovie's acting foreign minister, Vitaly Ignatyev.

The document provides for cooperation in the following areas:

classification of goods and vehicles;

determining and the procedure of declaring customs value;

application of information technologies in customs services;

provision of customs foreign trade statistics on individual commodity items;

implementation of risk management system;

information cooperation issues;

use of technical equipment for customs control;

customs offence control;

training specialists for Pridnestrovie's customs bodies.

The PMR's MFA regards the signature of the memorandum (negotiated since summer of 2016) as a significant success because customs cooperation (including on-line exchange of information) is an important element of a structure built up by the president and the government to secure a privileged access to the Russian market for Pridnestrovian goods.

«It is essential that Pridnestrovie is feeling the openness of Russia's partner agencies, their readiness for joint work and understanding of the fact that joint trade turnover should be increased (restored), including through artistic, non-standard approaches. In 2016 Russia's government and a number of Russian agencies have made decisions creating favourable environment for exporting Pridnestrovian goods to Russia. In this respect I'd call on Pridnestrovian businesses to use this 'window of opportunities' benevolently provided by our Russian partners and gain positions in the Russian market. After the stabilisation of the regional financial and economic situation, this will promote intensive restoration and prosperity, as we as a balance of Pridnestrovie's economic interests," said the deputy foreign minister, Dmitry Palamarchuk.

«I believe that signing the memorandum is a distinct signal for those not quite conscientious critics who like talking about how they would work with Russia, a signal that systematic, non-sensational, result-oriented work is better than idle shouts and ordinary wishful thinking," he added.

Dmitry Palamarchuk also underscored that work aimed at elaborating efficient agreements in the follow-up to the Shevchuk-Rogozin protocol signed 2.5 years ago is being conducted to mutual benefit.

«Pridnestrovie is proposing to sign some more memorandums. Therefore, work aimed to boost the Russian-Pridnestrovian strategic partnership is continuing," said the deputy minister.


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