V Pridnestrovian Economic Investment Forum planned for the 19th and 20th of May

03/18/16 21:22

V Pridnestrovian Economic Investment Forum planned for the 19th and 20th of May

The first meeting of the investment forum organizing committee was held in the Government

Tiraspol, 18 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The first meeting of the organizing committee of the IV Pridnestrovian Economic Investment Forum was held at the Government venue. The date of the event had been already placed. It will be held within a period of two days — the 19th and 20th of May.

Organizers are the Pridnestrovie's Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Economic Development Ministry.

As the Government's Press Services reports, the new forum will differ from previous ones which were aimed at demonstration of investment projects. This year, the main platforms will bring up economic issues. The general concept of the forum is anti-recessionary topic, the slogan is «From survival policy to development policy».

«Assessing the external situation in Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, the CIS and considering our domestic crisis developments, we believe that we should discuss the most topical, the most important, the most critical issues today. And, we assume that there shouldn't be any off-limits subjects," the president of the Commerce and Industry Chamber Yury Ganin emphasized.

It is expected that foreign trade, fiscal system, improvement of business climate and support of business, technical regulation, modern technologies of investment encouragement and other issues will be discussed at the forum venue.

«We will use practice of holding forums in the Russian Federation and in the neighboring states. It won't be just lectures of speakers. All guests will be onstage discussing the specified issues. All attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions, discuss and express opinion. So, it will be an open dialogue, live conversation," the chairman of the organizing committee, the First Deputy Prime Minister Alevtina Slinchenko explained.

According to her, the representatives of the Government, the Supreme Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the banks, the guests of the forum will be involved as moderators. Also, the exhibition of production of the cities and regions of the republic, Russian-Pridnestrovian dialogue between the representatives of the business community, the meeting between the guests and the top officials of our state, visits to the both industrial and agrarian enterprises are planned within the forum. The program is ambitious, for this reason the international workshop «Investments and Economy: Issues and Growth Prospects in Pridnestrovie's Conditions» will be held shortly before the main events.

As Yury Ganin noted, the purpose of the forthcoming forum is to expand crisis response measures. «To expand not only relying on the positions of the executive and legislative authorities, or our business, or different associations, but also on the opinions of foreign experts. Outside perspective is, certainly, important for us so that we could modify further program of measures on economic recovery following the results of opinion exchange and those recommendations arising within the forum," he told.

As a result, the organizing committee approved the concept of the forum, the plan of its organization and the advertizing campaign.

The final version of the activity program will be approved at the meeting of the organizing committee at the beginning of May.


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