Shevchuk: Transit problem prevents increase in commodity turnover between the PMR and the Russian Federation

03/15/16 12:32

Shevchuk: Transit problem prevents increase in commodity turnover between the PMR and the Russian Federation

The President emphasized that a number of agreements with relevant departments of the Russian Federation on simplification of the Pridnestrovian export to Russia had been signed in previous years; however a problem of common border absence between these two countries prevented normal work of the approved mechanisms

Tiraspol, 15 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. At the moment, there are several valid agreements between the Russian Federation and the PMR intended to increase commodity turnover between the countries, however the problems concerning the freight transit through the Ukrainian territory prevent their normal work. The Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk told journalists and audience about it on the air of Radio 1.

«Over the past few years, we've managed to sign an entire group of agreements with the Russian structures responsible for control or supervision of the imported goods to the territory of Pridnestrovie. We have such agreements, they are signed, they establish certain procedures, — the President said. — But on the other hand, these agreements would be effective only if we didn't have to resolve an issue of our production transportation through the territory of Moldova and Ukraine. These procedures are complicated by the problem of transit and goods delivery».

Yevgeny Shevchuk noted, due to the fact that Pridnestrovie wasn't internationally acknowledged, in order to transport goods across the Ukrainian territory, our businessmen have to get relevant documents at the customs and other controlling authorities of Moldova who can just not give them out.

«It is important to realize that all Pridnestrovian freights enter the Ukrainian territory after Moldavian customs registration because Ukraine doesn't recognize Pridnestrovie. Due to this issue, there are certain difficulties because we have a double registration of the relevant enterprises," the Head of state told.

The President also added that commodity turnover decrease between the Russian Federation and the PMR had been also caused by devaluation of the Russian ruble in recent years, further, the goods made in Russia had become cheaper so it meant that they had become more competitive than their Pridnestrovian counterparts.

«If previously we delivered production of MMZ and to the Russian Federation, then now because of ruble devaluation it is impossible to deliver it," Yevgeny Shevchuk gave an example.


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