Oleg Belyakov: Moldova tries to politicise peacekeeping format

02/04/16 16:34

Oleg Belyakov: Moldova tries to politicise peacekeeping format

At today's JCC meeting the Moldovan delegation refused to approve Russia's draft solution to the problem of freedom of movement in the Security Zone
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Bendery, 4 February. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. At a regular meeting of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) the sides continued to discuss freedom of movement in the Security Zone. However, as noted by Pridnestrovie's JCC co-chair, Oleg Belyakov, the Moldovan negotiators changed their rhetoric. They blocked the Russian proposals which summarise earlier articulated positions of the sides and which suited everyone even a week ago.

«There is certain inconsistency. That is, one step forward and two steps back. Certain doubts arise as for the negotiability of the Moldovan JCC delegation. There is a suspicion that there may be certain trends in the work of a new government, new leadership that provides members of the Moldovan delegation with certain guidelines. It is evident that the rhetoric of the Moldovan delegation has changed," said Oleg Belyakov.

He noted that the Moldovan side insisted on making changes in the instructions for military observers.

«The Moldovan side insists on unilateral actions, that at the initiative of one of major military commanders all military observers, the Joint Military Command set out for the detention of cargoes or some administrative infractions and so on. This aims to change the format of the peacekeeping operation, that is, to politicise the format of the peacekeeping operation and make the peacemakers to fulfil unusual functions. What may this lead to? A big amount of unsolved conflicts which will be discussed at JCC meetings will be regarded as an error in the work of the body. This is done to create an impression that the JCC work is stuck, and so is the peacekeeping operation itself," concluded the head of the Pridnestrovian delegation.


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