54 social facilities to be reconstructed at the expense of Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund

10/22/15 14:15

54 social facilities to be reconstructed at the expense of Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund

This decision was taken at a meeting of the Fund's Supervisory Board

It is planned to repair the facades and roofs, to replace windows in the buildings of historical and social significance for the country. The total price of works amounts to $1.7 million.

It should be recalled that following the presidential initiative the Russo-Pridnestrovian humanitarian project aimed at creating the most comfortable conditions for social facilities is being implemented in Pridnestrovie. Within this programme repair and reconstruction works are under way at 33 facilities in all cities and districts of Pridnestrovie. The list of facilities has been approved by the corresponding governmental decree. The biggest among them are Tiraspol Secondary School 9, Bendery Secondary School 16, a branch of Tiraspol Kindergarten 25, former children's hospital in Sverdlov St, Tiraspol, which after repairs will function as a district polyclinic. The amount of investments in the joint project is $5.6 million.

Besides, another joint Russo-Pridnestrovian project for complete renewal of Russian-language schools' textbook depositories is being carried out this year. The schools have been supplied with 517,000 textbooks (1−11 grades) and 130,000 copies of methodical literature. This unprecedented project became possible thanks to the initiative of the Pridnestrovian president, Yevgeny Shevchuk, and direct support of Russia' vice premier, Dmitry Rogozin.

During a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund, which took place on 22 October, its members discussed the implementation of the programme aimed at enhancing conditions for lying-in women in maternity departments across the country. Enhanced comfort wards are established in all maternity hospitals and departments. The two wards of the kind will soon be opened in the Republican Centre of Mother and Child (see photo). They will be equipped with necessary medical equipment, special furniture, electric appliances, intercoms. By the end of November, a ward will have been established in every maternity hospital and department in Pridnestrovie.

Enhanced comfort wards will be available on a paid basis as an extra medical service, which will serve a source of income for medical facilities. They will keep this money and spend them for modernisation.

Back in 2012 the presidential address to the people and public authorities highlighted education and healthcare sectors as priorities. Since then unprecedented funds have been invested in the reconstruction and re-equipment of these sectors. About $70 million were invested in the healthcare system only in the period from 2012 to June 2015 through both budget and extra-budgetary sources, and about $9.5 million of this amount came from the Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund.

A considerable part of this sum is allocated for the re-equipment of Healthcare Ministry institutions. In particular, a contemporary computerized tomographic system, enhancing diagnostic capabilities, and new neonatal equipment have been purchased, owing to which the lives of 54 little Pridnestrovians have been saved since 2012.


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