Trade turnover between Hungary and Pridnestrovie amounts to $10.3 million in the first 9 months of 2015

10/21/15 13:45

Trade turnover between Hungary and Pridnestrovie amounts to $10.3 million in the first 9 months of 2015

Representatives of the Embassy of the Hungarian Republic in the Republic of Moldova visit Pridnestrovie's Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Prindestrovie's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) was visited by representatives of the Hungarian Embassy in Moldova — the deputy head of mission Enyo Kudryavtsev and the foreign economy adviser Ferenc Berényi. The purpose of the visit was insight into the republic's current economic situation, discussion of possible strengthening of relations between Hungary and Pridnestrovie, getting of requests from Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its members who were interested in cooperation with Hungary, the press service of the Chamber reports.

The Hungarian diplomats were showed the statistics on commodity turnover between Pridnestrovie and Hungary which had amounted to 10.3 million USD in 9 months of the current year (import — $9.9 mln USD, export — $0.4 mln). As compared to a similar period of the last year, decrease in trade activity by 14% is observed. According to the statistics of the State Customs Committee, first of all, such falling is caused by general decrease in Pridnestrovie's foreign trade by 24%, including commodity turnover reduction by 30% with the European Union. Trade with Hungary takes only 1% and 3% in general structure of Pridnestrovie's commodity turnover, as concerns the trade with the EU.

Ferenc Berényi told that his main mission as the Foreign Economy Adviser was promotion of Hungarian export, however he also encouraged cooperation.

Also, the issues concerning standardization and certification of production, protection of the market against import intervention were raised, and also the ways of trade development after cancellation of the preferential trade regime between Pridnestrovie and the EU on January 1, 2016 were considered.


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