New order of foreign economic activity for Pridnestrovie's exporters — a part of big geopolitical war against Pridnestrovie and Russian Federation

10/09/15 21:02

New order of foreign economic activity for Pridnestrovie's exporters — a part of big geopolitical war against Pridnestrovie and Russian Federation

President Yevgeny Shevchuk declared it during his address to the republic's residents

The Head of state reminded that state's national idea was international recognition of independence of Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and that it was possible through establishment of a strong self-sufficient state only.

President noted that, despite certain progress, the republic experiences evident political and economic difficulties.

«Some actors try to take away our statehood and future. External and internal public enemies became more active. They manipulate public opinion, try to undermine the foundation of our economy and independence! Mainly, it is due to the deliberate acts of external and internal opponents," Yevgeny Shevchuk emphasized.

The President provided as an example a new order of foreign economic activity imposed on the Pridnestrovie's enterprises in the EU markets since January 1, 2016.

«I consider that this is a part of big geopolitical war against Pridnestrovie, Russia and its allies where the price of our loss can be undermining of our statehood and individual freedom of each certain citizen of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic," Yevgeny Shevchuk told.

«Whatever threatened us, nobody would make us betray ourselves, our state or Russia!» — the Head of state concluded.


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