Vitaliy Ignatyev: there is a developing cooling in relations with Moldova

09/18/15 13:31

Vitaliy Ignatyev: there is a developing cooling in relations with Moldova

Moldova has made a series of unilateral actions that have nothing in common with the principles of the negotiation process and the substance of the political dialogue
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This is what the acting foreign minister, Vitaliy Ignatyev, said in an interview with journalists.

«It is evident that blackmail, threats and pressure cannot be on the negotiation agenda. Thai is why unilateral actions are gradually leading to the degradation of the very mechanism, driving away the atmosphere of trust," said the diplomat.

Vitaliy Ignatyev underscored that the Pridnestrovian diplomats would continue efforts to solve a whole set of issues which have been accumulated as a result of Moldova's unilateral activities towards Pridnestrovie.

He particularly mentioned the decision taken by the Moldovan authorities in late August which bans the vehicles registered in Pridnestrovie from crossing the Moldo-Ukrainian border, thus violating fundamental rights and freedoms of Pridnestrovian citizens.

«One side cannot consistently abide by all agreements, whereas the other side neglects the existing rules and unilaterally tries to exert pressure. The 25 years of Pridnestrovie's history and independency shows that threats, blockades and blackmail have failed to achieve any results. That is why any attempt to neglect the existing mechanisms and negotiation principles is a dead-end road. The sooner Moldova will realise that and the sooner it will assume a common sense paradigm, the sooner we will be able to move forward," noted Vitaliy Ignatyev.

In particular, the minister recalled that the sides have some experience of finding positive solutions concerning the resumption of railway cargo communication in 2012.

«A very significant responsibility lies with guarantors, mediators and observers, who have political and diplomatic tools for exerting influence, for creating constructive moments which enable the sides to move forward, search for solutions to issues and implement the small steps tactics," said Vitaliy Ignatyev in the interview.


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