International consultants from Belorussia visit Pridnestrovie's Public Health Ministry

06/17/15 16:46

International consultants from Belorussia visit Pridnestrovie's Public Health Ministry

The visit has been organised as part of the Outcome Framework project implemented by the United Nations Joint Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDC)

The Public Health Ministry press office specifies that the delegation includes the international consultants from Minsk: Ivan Konorazov, chief narcologist of Belorussia’s ministry of public health, and Aleksey Alexandrov, deputy chief doctor of the Minsk Regional Clinic Centre «Psychiatry — Narcology».

During the meeting at the Ministry of Public Health, the results of the working visit of Pridnestrovie's narcologists to Minsk (27−28 April 2015), particularly, the issues relating to the implementation of advanced regional practices and public companies in the field of the integrated package of services for injection drug users based on the Gomel model were discussed.

In addition, the Belorussian experts conducted training for the members of the Centre for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases.


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