Separate discussion between participants of "5+2" format will take place in Vienna on April 21

04/06/15 21:15

Separate discussion between participants of "5+2" format will take place in Vienna on April 21

Following the results of the today's meeting in Tiraspol OSCE Office between expert (working) groups on the issues concerning the development of transport and road economy with participation of Moldova's and Pridnestrovie's political representatives, Nina Shtanski noted, several scheduled meetings within the «5+2» format had been postponed despite the fact that both parties suffer from the current difficult conditions (multiple restrictions, criminal prosecutions against Pridnestrovie's representatives). But it doesn't mean at all that negotiations were stopped or interrupted.

«There won't be any questions on the agenda of the Vienna meeting. These separate discussions will be initiated in order to understand the relation of all negotiation participants to the fundamental documents and to specify the status of certain documents and certain participants and to understand how we will interact in this format further. The meeting will pursue exactly this goal. It doesn't mean at all that if we don't hold the next official round of the «5+2» format on April 21, we won't interact further and seek a settlement of the problems. The negotiations are conducted at many levels, and official meetings in the «5+2» format are only one of them," Nina Shtanski emphasized.


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