Nina Shtanski: blockade of Pridnestrovie contradicts Moldova's international commitments

08/13/14 17:09

Nina Shtanski: blockade of Pridnestrovie contradicts Moldova's international commitments

Deputy Chairman of the Government, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nina Shtanski responded to the topical questions related to the republic's economic blockade

During the talk with journalists Pridnestrovie's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nina Shtanski noted that a number of Moldovan officials allege that Moldova is not imposing any economic restrictions on Pridnestrovie.

According to the foreign minister, the Moldovan side reasons that  importing consumer products to Pridnestrovie has never ceased.

However, Nina Shtanski called upon to avoid juxtaposing the notions of "blockade" and "humanitarian disaster".

"If it were impossiblein Pridnestrovie to buy all the things needed for human vital activity, we could speak about a humanitarian disaster," remarked the MFA's head.

Nina Shtanski recalled that today the economic blockade involves double customs clearance of cargoes imposed on Pridnestrovie by Moldova (in particular, by means of the interagency agreement signed between Moldova's and Ukraine's customs services in 2006) and blocking Pridnestrovie's banking system. It also involves ruining the system of logistics services and the necessity of employing Moldovan carriers' services (Pridnestrovie's transport enterprises are not issued with TIR Carnets by Moldova), as well as investment blockade, which is backed by Moldova's spreading disinformation among potential investors on Pidnestrovie's business environment.

The foreign minster also noted that the socio-economic issues which were determined as foreground in the 5+2 Talks have not been settled since 2012 and are still increasing.
"It is quite evident that the blockade of Pridnestrovie contradicts Moldova's international commitments," said Nina Shtanski.

According to her, it does not only concern World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations, under which Moldova undertook to recognise Pridnestrovie as a separate customs zone, but also the 1997 Memorandum (on the principles for the normalization of relations, ed.), which has been up to now a foundation of the negotiation process.

"This document, perhaps, has been the only one throughout the history of the negotiation process totally meeting an international agreement's criteria - it was deposited in the OSCE, Russia and Ukraine being its guarantors. No participant of the agreement has denounced it," underscored Nina Shtanski.

It is this international agreement, according to  the foreign minister, which "stipulates Pridnestrovie's right to carry out its own external economic activity."
"This right has been violated, which calls into question the efficiency of other socio-economic agreements," concluded the minister of foreign affairs.


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