Main news

09/24/15 13:55
As Novisti Pridnestrovya has already reported, today the Arbitration Court marks its 24th anniversary. The court's plenum has been held on this occasion
09/22/15 18:10
The government believes that in his open letter to Prime Minister Tatyana Turanskaya the company's CEO has presented the unfounded information damaging the government's business reputation
09/22/15 15:23
The president has backed the government's anti-crisis initiative
09/21/15 13:37
Levada Center declared the results of a survey
09/21/15 11:19
This has seriously contributed to the development of the branch
09/18/15 16:24
This was stated by the acting minister of foreign affairs, Vitaliy Ignatyev, in a briefing for journalists
09/18/15 13:31
Moldova has made a series of unilateral actions that have nothing in common with the principles of the negotiation process and the substance of the political dialogue
09/14/15 14:04
The Ministry of Economic Development believes the strategy of working at a loss to maintain the export markets and labour collectives is justified
09/12/15 14:54
The Prime Minister, Tatyana Turanskaya, attended the solemn liturgy dedicated to the anniversary
09/11/15 13:43
There are seven working days left to consider the draft code
09/10/15 16:46
The Pridnestrovian delegation believes it advisable to discuss at the nearest JCC meeting public statements made by Moldova's defence minister, A. Salaru
09/10/15 15:31
This is what Pridnestrovie's chief negotiator, Nina Shtanski, said following a meeting with her Moldovan colleague, Victor Osipov, at Tiraspol's office of the OSCE mission