Main news

06/16/16 13:57
A solemn meeting took place in Tiraspol ahead of Medical Worker Day,
06/15/16 21:10
The document is aimed, among other things, at preventing illegal fishing activities
06/15/16 14:50
According to the Pridnestrovian president, the negotiation agenda must be full of substantive results
06/15/16 13:42
The Head of state considers that unfair politicians mastermind exaggeration of the situation with the Pridnestrovie's national currency
06/10/16 18:03
It establishes new rules of information exchange between authorized services of the sides
06/09/16 11:54
The Supreme Council has heard a report on the results of the Accounts Chamber's unscheduled inspection of the state-run enterprise Biokhim
06/03/16 16:33
Pridnestrovie's acting foreign minister has commented on the protocol signed in a follow-up to the 5+2 format negotiations
06/01/16 19:35
Comment by the presidential spokesperson about discussions on exchange rate formation mechanism issues was published on the President's website
06/01/16 13:22
The central bank has proposed devaluing the rouble by 10% to stabilise the foreign exchange market
05/31/16 12:59
The formal meeting will be held during June 2-3 in 5+2 format
05/30/16 11:14
Having learnt the futility of their efforts to call lawmakers for an understanding and a constructive dialogue at plenary sessions, the plant's personnel have addressed directly to the chair of the Supreme Council
05/26/16 19:56
President Yevgeny Shevchuk held an enlarged meeting of the Security Council and State Council of the PMR