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Dialogue with the President of Pridnestrovie


Приднестровский депутат: Мы – мирный народ


Приднестровский артист: Мы готовы протянуть руку помощи всем нуждающимся

05/31/22 12:12
Tiraspol, May 31/ Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Actor of the Aronetskaya Pridnestrovian State Theater of Drama and Comedy Alexander Bondarenko believes that neighboring countries have no reason to fear Pridnestrovie.


Художник Николай Пономаренко: Приднестровье – это солнечный, мирный край!

05/20/22 13:41
Tiraspol, May 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovie is a peaceful state, and we are not a threat to residents of neighboring countries, Nikolay Ponomarenko, a member of the PMR Union of Artists says.  “This is a bright rich land, where different nations have been living in peace and harmony for about 30 years. Moldovans, Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Gagauz. And Pridnestrovie is not going to attack anyone,” the artist noted.


Дирижёр государственного хора ПМР: Мы никому никогда не угрожали, не угрожаем и не будем угрожать

05/13/22 11:16
Tiraspol, May 13. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovians cannot be aggressors against their neighbors. Tatyana Tverdokhleb, Director and conductor of the Pridnestrovian State Choir, told Novosti Pridnestrovya about this. “We have experienced aggression against ourselves, and we have been living in peace for 30 years. We have never threatened, do not threaten, and will not threaten anyone,” the artist said. 


Главный дирижёр приднестровского оркестра: Мы мирные люди, мы ни на кого не собираемся нападать

05/11/22 15:07
Tiraspol, May 11. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Principal Conductor of the State Symphony Orchestra of the PMR, Grigory Moseyko, addressed his compatriots in Ukrainian and told why his neighbors should not be afraid of Pridnestrovie.


Теракт в Тирасполе у здания МГБ 25 апреля


Эфир с Президентом

03/23/19 11:55
Victor Savchenko: Foreign policy is our priority this time. You had a visit to Moscow, there were several meetings. And the most interesting, at least from the point of view of the media, your communication with citizens is in our official representation. You held a reception, solved specific problems of people. What questions were you addressed with and what did you manage to solve?
