Artist Nikolay Ponomarenko: Pridnestrovie is a bright and peaceful land!

05/20/22 13:41

Artist Nikolay Ponomarenko: Pridnestrovie is a bright and peaceful land!

Tiraspol, May 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Pridnestrovie is a peaceful state, and we are not a threat to residents of neighboring countries, Nikolay Ponomarenko, a member of the PMR Union of Artists says. 

“This is a bright rich land, where different nations have been living in peace and harmony for about 30 years. Moldovans, Russians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Gagauz. And Pridnestrovie is not going to attack anyone,” the artist noted.

According to Nikolay Ponomarenko, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is a land of peace-loving people, farmers, builders, and creators who would never make aggressive moves toward their neighbors themselves.

“Ukrainians are our brothers. A lot of Ukrainians live here, on our land. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Moldovan. And many people here are of a mixed nation <...> Therefore, we cannot fight, let alone declare war, let alone attack,” the artist emphasized.


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