Vadim Krasnoselsky on the air of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel
Vadim Krasnoselsky on the air of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel
Victor Savchenko: Foreign policy is our priority this time. You had a visit to Moscow, there were several meetings. And the most interesting, at least from the point of view of the media, your communication with citizens is in our official representation. You held a reception, solved specific problems of people. What questions were you addressed with and what did you manage to solve?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: First of all the opening of the Representative Office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in Moscow was the right and necessary step because the President constantly received appeals from citizens living in Moscow in the Russian Federation. They apply on various issues: on the fact of loss of documents, renewal of registration, employment in Moscow, medical care, etc. How to help in Tiraspol those who live in Moscow? Nevertheless we implemented measures and provided support of course. A good contact point called the Representation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was necessary that takes upon itself contacts with citizens, rendering the necessary assistance. Compatriots gather here, hold round-table discussions, business is discussed both in Moscow and in Pridnestrovie. The representation works round the clock, citizens are constantly received. Approximately hundreds of citizens addressed on various issues per month. The head of the office is General Manakov, a citizen of the PMR. He once worked in Pridnestrovie, was deputy minister of internal affairs. Today, he heads the Collegium of Advocates of the Russian Federation. The person is not an outsider. He is wise, knows the law, understands that people need. People ask everyday questions. These are registration, citizenship, employment, relations with employers. They also ask questions that remain problematic in Pridnestrovie. There is free legal support, then the people address specific instances for all questions. Not everything can be solved, but there is already success and good performance. When I visit Moscow, I will always hold office hours for public.
Victor Savchenko: Were citizens surprised with the fact that the President holds a reception in Moscow when they saw the President?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: I did not ask. This is a natural process. Everyone needs help. They could come anyway; they could come to Manakov and get help. That would be enough, but I wanted to communicate myself with our citizens who live in Moscow.
Victor Savchenko: You were often asked how things were going in Pridnestrovie. It is evident that people are interested in the fate of their country. And the well-known fact that people, when they come, not only ask for help, but also offer it themselves. Compatriots offer job to each other.
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: Yes, you know, there is such a form of fellowship. A large number of Pridnestrovians live in the Russian Federation, work or study, especially in Moscow. These people are not apart from homeland and are trying to help, help their countrymen. This suggests that the spirit of the Pridnestrovian remains in Moscow, is not distributed by bright lightbulbs or Moscow bustle. Pridnestrovians strive to be together. Many of them would like to return, and talk about it. They have a job there, they need to finish their studies. There is a desire to feel like Pridnestrovian.
Victor Savchenko: With regard to politics. You had a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin. traditional in principle. What was discussed this time?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: I brought a large package of proposals from Pridnestrovie to Moscow, which I addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov and Dmitry Kozak. These proposals reflect our understanding of the development of relations between the Russian Federation and Pridnestrovie. In short, it can be divided into three main areas. The first is cooperation in peacemaking. The most effective, in my opinion, peacekeeping mission is in Pridnestrovie. In addition to Russian, Pridnestrovian and Moldovan peacekeepers participate in it, and Ukraine is an observer. The format of cooperation in of peacekeeping is very important and of course, it should be discussed. These are issues of rotation, service and much more. The second direction is political interaction. The Russian Federation is the guarantor in the negotiation process. We discussed the “5 + 2” format, the possibility of holding the next meeting as soon as possible. The Russian Federation advocates of the meeting of the members of the “Permanent Meeting ...” at the site of the current Slovak Chairmanship in the OSCE. We talked about the issues that could be brought up for discussion in the “5 + 2” format, and confirmed its effectiveness. This is really effective. We have managed to reach a number of agreements with the support of guarantors, mediators and observers over the past two years. Some of the agreements already have practical results, some should be fine-tuned (for example, the issue of telecommunications), and some issues will be resolved in prospect.
Victor Savchenko: The Russian Federation supports our position, do the positions of Moscow and Pridnestrovie coincide in the negotiation process?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: Of course, it coincides. Russia is the guarantor of the negotiation process, and all issues that are included to the agenda for consideration by the working groups are discussed with the guarantors, in this case with the Russian Federation. We are looking for compromises and are working on the technique of solving each specific issue, its implementation in the current legislation - both Pridnestrovie and Moldova. In fact, it is not enough to sign a framework agreement. This is the easiest. It is difficult to implement it, to make it so that it becomes the norm of people's life and does not aggravate, but makes life easier. This is the main task of all negotiations. Not to engage in empty political populism. This will not lead to anything. People are not interested in this. People are interested in solving issues on which their lives depend. Thank God, they are gradually being solved - starting from 2017. The year 2018 was not easy, but successful. I hope that 2019 and 2020 will be the same.
Victor Savchenko: You brought a package of proposals to Moscow for the development of relations with the Russian Federation, and the President of Moldova Igor Dodon presented his package, it is called so — a large package. Not only in Moscow. Obviously, he represented everywhere. Moldovan media have stated that President Dodon sees quickly resolution of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict. Apparently, on the basis of this package. He received criticism for this, both in Moscow and from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. How do such statements, appearance of packages correlate with the legal and historical foundations of our independence? What is he going to settle?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: You know, these are difficult questions for me, because I was trying to find those who supported this package. I did not find them in Moscow. I spoke in Moscow with officials, the meetings were public. When asked, everyone kept silent or said not to pay attention. Everyone understands the frivolity of this approach, this package. I tried to discuss the same question with Western politicians, to find out whether this package is consistent with them, whether they support it. The reaction is about the same. It looks like some kind of individual initiative of Igor Dodon with an attempt to wishful thinking.
Victor Savchenko: Is the package really big?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: If 2-3 pages are considered a large package, then yes - it is big. We have the Development Strategy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, formatted with specific formulation of tasks on foreign and domestic policy for officials. This strategy - is clear and understandable. In the package, presented by the President of Moldova, there is no Pridnestrovie. We are offered to find ourselves there - in a common state with Moldova. This is strange. We have been living separately for almost 30 years. There are historical and practical aspects of our independence. This can’t be ignored. This is stupid. Therefore, those who understand this have appropriate attitude.
In conclusion I want to relate to history. To begin with, Pridnestrovie appeared as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is a fact. Who will deny? There was a certain parade of sovereignties. First of all, the Baltic republics declared independence, then Moldova, Georgia, etc. Many parliaments, Supreme Soviets began to take appropriate decisions in the pursuit of this independence. On June 23, 1990, the Moldovan parliament adopted two declarations. First, they declared their withdrawal from the USSR and the supremacy of the laws of Moldova over the laws of the Soviet Union. By the way, they used the UN Charter, which gives the peoples the right to self-determination. It's clear. This was the pursuit of independence. The Soviet Union collapsed, and all exit. The second declaration, adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, gave us independence. By this declaration, Moldova legally renounced Pridnestrovie. According to this declaration, on the basis of recognizing the nullity of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Moldovan parliament declared the creation of the Moldavian SSR illegal. I remind you that the MSSR was created in 1940 after the adoption of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the decision of Stalin, according to which Bessarabia was attached to the MASSR. If parliament recognizes this transaction as void, then, naturally, the parties return to the level of 1940. Legally, Moldova refused us. Practically I am sure that any international independent court will recognize our independence. This is the basis of our independence. We have the conclusion of the lawyers of the Russian Federation, who studied in detail all the nuances and confirmed our right to independence. What happened September 2, when deputies of all levels decided not to create the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, but that we remain part of the Soviet Union and will be called the PMSSR? Moldova not only withdraw membership from Soviet Union, but also from the MSSR. It is fundamentally. Therefore, September 2 is considered the day of the formation of our statehood. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine refused us, Moldova did not need us. We became the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. It was a necessary measure to defend the people living here, the Pridnestrovian people, which was then formed. We began to build our statehood, create our own institutions of power solely on the basis of the principles of democracy by holding referendums, in which the people chose the fate of the state. Even in these difficult conditions, we tried to find a compromise and tried to interact with Moldova. Then politicians, former communist leaders, such as Snegur and his associates, already understanding their fatal mistake of refusing us tried to correct it with the blood of the Pridnestrovian people. They made another fatal mistake called Moldova's aggression against Pridnestrovie. There was war, there were troubles, there were victims. Unfortunately, so far not a single Moldovan politician, including Igor Nikolaevich Dodon, has answered, has given a legal assessment of the events 1991-1992. What happened then? It was fratricidal war, when people with weapons killed women, children and the elderly. They tried to impose a new order on Pridnestrovie: speak Romanian, forget their native language. Until now, I and others have a lot of unanswered questions. We need an assessment. It is easiest to repent. Those who started a fratricidal war here are alive. In my opinion, they should receive a political, legal assessment of their actions. Crimes against the people have no statute of limitations. What do we really see? For example, the group "Bujor", Ilashku and his comrades (or how they called themselves?). They committed terrorist attacks in Pridnestrovie. They did not see the enemy in the face, they shot in the back, nape to civilian people. The murders of Ostapenko, Gusar - are mean murders. Yes, they were convicted here, received real terms of imprisonment, staying in the neighboring state they were presented with the highest awards of Moldova - the Order of Stefan cel Mare. What for? They are not military, they are just murderers. These terrorists receive orders for the murder of civilians. The actions of Igor Dodon are not clear. He is the President. Do not refer to the government, to the democratic party, institutions and movements, cancel this presidential decree! Never cancel. Why? Because every nation has its own heroes. There - those who attacked, we - those who defended. I feel sorry for people who lay down their heads in Pridnestrovie. They were killed by those who set the goal of killing the Pridnestrovian people. There is no forgiveness to such as Ilashku, deliberate terrorists. They are supported today - this is the question. We will never find a point of contact here. Nevertheless, Pridnestrovian politicians, our people tried to find joint forms of residence. It was we who proposed the confederation, the federation, went towards signing the Kozak plan, in accordance with which in essence the federal structure of the Republic of Moldova was built, and Pridnestrovie was component. Moldovan side has always refused this process. In addition, a joint constitutional commission for the development of unified legislation worked in 2003. Mr. Voronin destroyed this mechanism, that is, we were always forced to be independent. After Moldova left the negotiation process, after the work of the commission was terminated, a referendum was held in 2006, in which the Pridnestrovian people unanimously spoke in favor of the independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with further joining the Russian Federation. The most important thing is independence. What happened in 30 years? Generations have grown up - one in Moldova, the other in Pridnestrovie. They did not live a single day in one state. Legislative systems were formed. I and Igor Nikolaevich Dodon, as presidents, are the conductors of the legislation of our states. We do not have the right to discuss forms that do not comply with the Constitution or laws. Our Constitution clearly states that we are independent and we have a unitary state. Today there can be no other form - just like in Moldova. When Igor Dodon declared a federal structure a year ago, I listened to this with surprise: he also violates the Constitution and the laws of Moldova. President can earn impeachment for this. In conclusion, I want to say that Moldova did not fulfill the “homework”: it did not become attractive for the Pridnestrovian people. The questions about aggression against Pridnestrovie remained unanswered. Moldova, in my opinion did not defeat corruption. It did not take the liberty to recognize Russian and Ukrainian as the state language. The standard of living in the neighboring state is very low. What good can they offer Pridnestrovians? For today – nothing. Everyone understands this - guarantors, mediators, participants in the negotiation process. We are committed to fulfill this task and become attractive to the entire world community. Successful, economically stable, free and strong are recognized. They will invest in us, they will be interested in us, because Pridnestrovie is a great land with rich culture and growing economy. Yes, there are problems, we'll talk about it. Most importantly, we think about people. Human rights are not violated. This is our “homework” - not to enter Moldova, but to become a recognized state. And it will be.
Victor Savchenko: Vadim Nikolayevich, parliamentary elections were held in Moldova. Socialists of Dodon participated in it. It so happened that many parties that took part in these elections, to one degree or another, accused Pridnestrovie of interfering in the processes that took place in the neighboring country: they allegedly brought, forced to vote for specific candidates, parties. Although the results suggest otherwise. However, what was our interest in this election?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: Frankly speaking, requests from guarantors, observers and mediators of the “5 + 2” format that the leadership of Pridnestrovie should not prevent people of the Republic of Moldova from exit and vote we sent to the address of the PMR President. I accommodated the request. At the same time, my position that I immediately voiced was the following: officially, not a single Pridnestrovian official will take part in the elections and campaign for a particular candidate or for a particular party. We kept our word – not to interfere and we did not interfere. The choice was up to people. As far as I know, independent candidates and parties, using their resources, directed vehicles through intermediaries and provided departure for citizens of the Republic of Moldova, and they gave their vote as they wanted. According to the results of the election, the socialist party received support of almost 52% of the total number of Moldovan citizens living in Pridnestrovie and participating in the elections. Two independent candidates were supported. If we talk about the party of socialists, I do not understand their discontent. They received 52% of the vote. If Igor Nikolaevich Dodon himself did not change the electoral system to a mixed one, and there would be party lists, then, having received the majority from us, they would have no problems. They do not problems today and the attempt to make Pridnestrovie or the Pridnestrovian people guilty seems ridiculous. We must look in the mirror to see the culprit of all the events. In fact, nothing unexpected happened. I expected such a result of the Moldovan elections. Elementary analytics. If the question is put this way, then next time the citizens will not go to the polls. I was asked not to interfere, we did not interfere. It turned out bad. Let Igor Nikolayevich say, how good. I'll listen.
Victor Savchenko: Vadim Nikolayevich, with regard to the election results in Moldova, four forces have entered the parliament, in fact three large political forces. In words, everyone hates each other, does not want to negotiate. But in order to form a government, this will have to be done, which means it will have to break pre-election promises. Someone give up friendship with Russia, someone else. Analysts say that the socialists have lost and they will not form the government. Why did it happen? Polls showed rabid ratings, and as a result of such a failure.
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: You know, opinion polls: it happens, as paid and showed. It is necessary to conduct independent polls, and not to please and nurture your hearing. Do not deceive yourself. I assumed that the Socialist Party will receive a little more than thirty percent, this is objective. I do not want to talk about it, it is not interesting. If I understood it here in Pridnestrovie, many people understood in Moldova what might actually happen. The society in Moldova today is split. Most of them look to the West and Romania, while others look to the East and the Russian Federation. These figures are completely objective: about one-third looks at the Russian Federation, two-thirds look at the European Union. What is the reason for this? And this is due to the fact that for nearly thirty years of independence of neighboring Moldova, a country that had a strict vector and built all relations with the European Union and with Romania. What kind of relationship with Romania can you create? Why so much in common with Romania? I want to give some facts. Romania, as a state, gives young people graduates of Moldovan schools six and a half thousand quotas - budget places for studying in Romania. This is a very large number. At the same time, when young people graduate from universities in Romania, they return home, they do not work there. They return home as carriers of the culture and interests of the neighboring state. All post-graduate education in Moldova is either Romania or the European Union. Many officials already have citizenship and Romanian education. Pay attention to the party structure - the socialists, the democratic block, the ACUM, has a vector to the West. I do not say that they are bad or good. They are normal for this state, we must respect the views of others. They have a vector to the West. They are gaining momentum every year and with every vote. Why? Because the former support of the socialists is leaving. The electoral mass of people who supported the socialists is leaving. These are people who lived in the Soviet Union, who remember the Soviet Union, but, unfortunately, life takes its toll. The ACUM unit is gaining weight. Of course, this is military cooperation with the European Union, and religious cooperation with the Romanian Orthodox Church. All these factors are main and they are building and shaping a young person’s view of the processes. I think that there such forces that are gaining momentum have great chances, the ACUM.
As for the coalition, they will be forced to join coalition. They made a big mistake by breaking pots before the election. They went into personals. Now it will be very difficult for them to seek compromises with each other. They have to step over themselves, break agreements, promises made to someone and somewhere. This is a necessary measure. Re-election is not a decision. Re-elections will be held in September with the same result, then again, again and again ... And this is the financial burden on the budget. People get tired of this and eventually just stop going to this election. Therefore, together, show willpower, show patriotism, respect for Motherland and make a choice. Which one this is a matter of neighbors. We will accept any choice, but, in my opinion, in order not to disagree with people and not to go further into a political crisis, it is necessary to find mutual understanding with each other.
Victor Savchenko: Vadim Nikolayevich, underlying this Moldovan question: we have already said that there are quite serious achievements in the negotiation process, we would like them to continue, because there are still enough unresolved problems. At the same time, we see that the situation in Moldova is still unstable, and it is unclear how long this will last. NATO is planning another exercise, increasing its presence in the region. Is it possible to say that progress will now be followed by stagnation?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: No. I think progress is inevitable. Officials who participate in the negotiation process are not engaged in political populism, they are just engaged in practical work - solving issues that affect the lives of ordinary people. It is very difficult, perhaps incomprehensible to many, but the movement is moving forward, and I hope that this process will continue, and we will resolve the issues that are included to the agenda. As for the political slogans that Igor Nikolayevich Dodon admits, I would like to ask five questions.
The first is the question of the legal assessment by Moldova of events and decisions of June 23, the adoption by the parliament of neighboring state of those declarations that gave de jure independence to the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The second question: is any politician, including Igor Nikolaevich Dodon ready to give a legal, political and historical assessment of the events of 1992 and punish those who killed civilians of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic? The third question: if Igor Nikolayevich Dodon and other politicians speak about the free choice of the people, do they respect the choice of the people that was made at the referendum in 2006, when the people spoke unanimously for the independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic? The fourth question: does Igor Nikolayevich understand the existing reality, does he realize that a lot has happened in thirty years? We have created an independent state, independent branches of government, independent banking system, independent economy. We are really independent. We built a state. The Pridnestrovian people, the multinational Pridnestrovian people live here. How can this be reversed? I don’t know. This question is addressed to Igor Nikolaevich Dodon. Fifth question: how does he assess the people's right to self-determination, which Moldova used to determine its independence? The Pridnestrovian people took advantage of this very principle - the people's right to self-determination. In addition to the five main ones, there are also sub-questions: how does he look at the preservation of the Moldovan language in Cyrillic in Moldova, what status will the Russian and Ukrainian language have in Moldova, is it possible at all? Topical issues of ownership. And so on. It is impossible to answer these questions in modern conditions. Neither it is possible to discuss political status.
Victor Savchenko: Are these rhetorical questions?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: No, these are practical questions, not rhetorical. Personally, I see an answer to them and I can answer myself, but I addressed these questions to Moldovan politicians, in particular, Igor Nikolayevich Dodon, the author of a certain plan, which, as he said, is about to be implemented.
Victor Savchenko: Vadim Nikolayevich, if we go to our internal agenda, now one of the most discussed topics is an appointment in the PMR Health Ministry. We waited a long time for a decision on who would be the minister. As a result, it was decided to appoint Aleksey Tsurcan, a man who had nothing to do with medicine, in general. How can this be explained in such an important area, to which there are so many complaints?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: First of all, the Ministry of Health and Healthcare in general is an irritating factor, although there are many excellent specialists and experts in this sphere. This is evident, it is transmitted to me, the President, through citizens appeals. I personally consider all appeals, I see requests, recommendations, statements on healthcare. There are subjective, unconfirmed. There are objective, and the volume is large. This problem must be solved. Not only change the officials. This is not an option. It is necessary to change the system, the attitude of the state to health care itself. It is necessary to change the approach to the formation of the material and technical base. We have planned repair or construction of the 31st health facility of the republic for 2019. This is a huge amount. We will completely restore the rural medicine, which was actually destroyed. This is a work from scratch. It is better to build a new one than to repair what is available. The necessary technical equipment, access to a new level, advanced technology. This year there are large financial spending, the purchase of new equipment.
The next issue is personnel. We have a wonderful state university, the medical faculty prepares good specialists, but it is necessary to form an institute of postgraduate training, where we can give people relevant knowledge in our own conditions. To a larger extent, we can attract to this institute teachers, professors, academicians who have certain knowledge and experience, so that they can pass it to our doctors. I am convinced that we have our own specialists. We can prepare doctors in the postgraduate aspect on the spot in Pridnestrovie. There are, of course, specialists who need to be trained in Moldova, in Ukraine, and in the Russian Federation, maybe even in the European Union. Naturally, we will practice it.
The next issue: it is necessary to establish contact with civil society - NGOs, NGOs, public organizations. These contacts should be permanent. The public council created at the Health Ministry should work constantly. This is a constant contact with people. This will remove a lot of questions. Of course, it is necessary to protect the work of health employees, starting with the arrangement of office and with legal protection. Health employees are in direct contact with people. They meet different people - with their own diseases, their problems, their tragedies. This is all absorbed by health workers, it is very difficult. Medical professionals need special support.
All this is a set of measures, thanks to which one can change appearance of Pridnestrovian medicine and allow reducing the degree of tension between people and the health care system.
Many people will criticize that not a doctor has been appointed to the position of head of the Health Ministry. If you look at the history of appointments not only here, but also outside Pridnestrovie, then an administrator who understands the structure, is ready to build a system and control its functioning is appointed to senior positions. Not every competent surgeon will become a competent chief physician, and not every chief physician will become a minister who understands the health care system. Ministers are managers. There are their deputies in the directions. Deputy Ministers for medical part and technical profile are appointed. They understand the essence and have proved by their work that they are oriented in the health care system. We have strengthened the financial institution, created a control and auditing department of health system, which will report directly to the minister. The Minister must control all construction work, material and technical equipment, personnel training, form relations with civil society and protect doctors. This is an administrative function. In a year we will analyze and be able to assess the made decision. I think we were not mistaken.
Victor Savchenko: This topic relates directly to the lives of citizens. There is another topic - the situation on the roads. This week again there was a loud crash, again a drunk driver, again death. Before that there was a similar accident in Rybnitsa district, three people were killed. This problem is gaining momentum: on the one hand, the state is struggling with drunk drivers, on the other hand, these accidents are resonant, and this is discussed in social networks. People have impression that the number of accidents increased, although statistics is different.
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: I will say about impressions. I'm an ex-interior minister. I saw these tragedies with my own eyes, I saw these statistics. I always tried to reduce the tragedies on the roads. Elected the President, I took the initiative that people driving a vehicle in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication for the second time in a year, are subject to criminal penalties. If a person dies as a result of such an accident, the court may decide on a life deprivation of rights. The term, of course, is maximized. Many have criticized this initiative for rigidity. Dear Pridnestrovians, one should not argue from the point of view of the one who is being punished. You reason from the point of view of the victim. Tomorrow, God forbid, a drunk driver will be met on your way. He must be stopped. With this decision we protect the lives of people. It hurts to read reports from the roads. They are like reports from the front. The mortality rate as a result of road accidents is relatively small compared with our neighbors. Nevertheless, there is tragedy. We must strive for zero, so that no one dies on the roads. For all the severity of punishment, people still get behind the wheel in a drunken state. I can not understand this. They are not afraid of criminal liability. What else should be done, what other agitation to do? We will fight hard, we will save lives so that the children will not become orphans because dad drank and killed himself and mom. These tragedies must be avoided. I ask people to support this initiative. Remember, there were many complaints that a lot of militia posts on the roads. We removed. So what? Solved the problem? Not. A militia officer, in my opinion, on the contrary, creates a factor of stability. It is important, of course, that he behaves appropriately. When a militiaman is on duty at the entrance to the city, on the central streets, he disciplines drivers of vehicles. Let's analyze the statistics. If it does not improve, the posts will be returned. Statistics indicate a slight increase in the number of accidents and, most negatively, accidents committed while intoxicated. I repeat once again - this is the life of people. And when it comes to life, you have to drop everything and think about how to eliminate the negative factor, how to ensure safety. Society and the state must fight for life, both legally and practically.
Victor Savchenko: The Capital Investment Fund is one of the most discussed topics. Many objects are built. This year, priority is given to healthcare facilities. How to ensure transparency so that people are sure that money is spent on purpose. And how further will the state determine the priority? How to determine what is important?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: Many problems have accumulated. The capital investment fund aims to solve these problems in terms of repair or construction of educational, health, culture and sports facilities. For 25 years, much has fallen into disrepair. Something was being repaired, but there was no program. Last year, the program start worked and proved its effectiveness. During the year we repaired or built about 170 objects. This year the same amount is planned. The program will work year after year. It is important that in addition to implementing the repair of infrastructure, we provide jobs. With the implementation of the capital investment program, we breathed life into the construction sector. Many today are returning from work and working here. The state is a reliable partner. We always control and settle legislations. It is important that organizations involved in construction work see a serious partner in the state. Today it is. We form the program in close contact with the heads of state administrations, city and district Councils, the Supreme Council. This is a collective work. In this interaction, we identify those objects that need urgent repair or construction. Yes, this is difficult. I want economic stability, growth. But not only increase in wages and pensions determines economic growth. Only an integrated approach, we can improve the standard of living of the population. I am glad that all branches of government think systemically. This is success. We, unequivocally, will make Pridnestrovie more beautiful and more attractive for life, so that people return or come here for permanent residence.
Victor Savchenko: How is transparency ensured?
The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: All institutions and mechanisms work. I think that we have overcome the system of kickbacks. Those who dare to even a penny from budget money will definitely be brought to criminal responsibility.