Archive - 7/12/2018 - Статья

12/07/18 22:10
Pridnestrovie foreign affairs department spoke to the statement of the OSCE countries foreign ministers on the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement

12/07/18 20:23
The law defines tax and rent preferences, as well as consulting support

12/07/18 16:34
Cadet from Pridnestrovie Leonid Gusarenko set the record in Artek

12/07/18 15:09
German consulting company analysts will soon complete an analysis of the republic investment attractiveness

12/07/18 14:28
According to the Russia Foreign Minister, OSCE Foreign Ministers Council adopted a statement on the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian settlement

12/07/18 11:05
OSCE Special Representative for Pridnestrovie explained the significance of Russian diplomacy using the example of solving the problem of Pridnestrovian vehicles participation in the international movement