Vadim Krasnoselsky held working meetings at the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

07/03/19 14:07

Vadim Krasnoselsky held working meetings at the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

The visit of the PMR President to Moscow continues. Meeting with the Chairman of the Committee of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on international affairs Konstantin Kosachev and his deputy Farit Mukhametshin is in today's work schedule of Vadim Krasnoselsky. The PMR president is accompanied by the head of the republic’s foreign affairs agency, Vitaly Ignatiev.

Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed condolences to the Russians in connection with the tragedy that took place in the Russian territorial waters at the research deep-water apparatus - fire that claimed the lives of 14 sailors. The PMR President noted that Pridnestrovians deeply empathize, sharing the pain of loss with the families of the victims and the entire Russian people.

As for the working agenda of the meeting, it mainly included issues of Pridnestrovian-Russian relations. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the Federation Council is an effective platform for discussing current issues related to bilateral contacts between the two states. The topic of obtaining Russian citizenship by Pridnestrovians remains relevant. “This problem has several aspects. The first is obtaining Russian citizenship by young people born after 1992. It is about two thousand people. They have no citizenship except Pridnestrovian. They are native speakers of Russian language, Russian education, but cannot receive Russian citizenship. The young man can get the citizenship of Moldova or Ukraine, but does not want to, because in this case he will not be able to get Russian citizenship. While it is not possible to move the solution to this problem off the ground. It is discussed at various venues, including the Duma. As a result, decisions are made on other territories. The question on Pridnestrovie has so far remained hanging in the air”, Vadim Krasnoselsky stated. The President also spoke about the difficulty of obtaining Russian citizenship by the holders of USSR passport. According to him, 37000 still Soviet citizens declared their desire to receive Russian passport in Pridnestrovie, but the excessive bureaucracy of the procedure prevents them from exercising this right.

The most difficult situation for those residents of the republic who, due to the prevailing circumstances, were once forced to obtain passport of Moldova or Ukraine. Today, it is extremely difficult for them to change their citizenship to Russian. “The fact is that there were periods when Russian citizenship was impossible to obtain and people had to solve their problems. They, being representatives of the Russian world, native speakers of the Russian language, were forced to receive passports of other states in order to resolve personal, family issues. People in Pridnestrovie are victims of big politics. Therefore, ways to accommodate requests should be found”, Vadim Krasnoselsky is sure.

Another issue that was discussed during today's meeting in the Federation Council is the possibility of using maternity capital in Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky described and argued the position of Pridnestrovie, noting that Pridnestrovie is the area of ​​compact residence for hundreds of thousands of Russians who, having established themselves in the republic, will continue to represent the interests of the country beyond its borders. Two directions of use of maternity capital in the republic are being discussed - the purchase of housing and education in Pridnestrovian State University. “Both positions are productive and efficient. We can create effective transparent control mechanisms”, the PMR President emphasized. The meeting participants discussed the Russian medical insurance certificates for Pridnestrovians, relying in arguments on the constitutional rights and obligations of citizens, not divided according to the principle of residence. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the numerous appeals of Pridnestrovian Russians to the Official Representation of Pridnestrovie in Moscow regarding the provision of medical care and problems with obtaining and using medical insurance policies.

The head of the Pridnestrovian state emphasized that the designated aspects are not related to the situation in neighboring states - we are talking exclusively about the Pridnestrovian-Russian relations. The solution of these significant issues for Pridnestrovian is in the legislative plane.

“Much, of course, depends on how neighboring states build their policies. We know that now there have been serious changes in the internal political situation in Moldova. We cannot lose sight of what is happening in Ukraine, because it is also a very important factor influencing the situation”, said Konstantin Kosachev, emphasizing the readiness to “lend a shoulder and promote in a bilateral format”. “Russia has always been near, has always provided assistance in solving problems, both socio-economic and humanitarian. You can be sure that it will continue this way. We are at your disposal”, the Russian parliamentarian assured.

The interlocutors discussed in detail voluminous topical issues, agreeing to continue working together to solve existing and emerging problems.


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