The President held extended meeting with the leadership of the PMR Government, the Supreme Council and Heads of state administrations

04/04/19 15:27

The President held extended meeting with the leadership of the PMR Government, the Supreme Council and Heads of state administrations

The meeting initiated by the President is dedicated mostly to the capital investment program - analysis of the results of the first stage of its implementation, assessment of the current situation and further planning. The main speaker is the Head of the Department of Construction, Architecture and Road Management of the PMR Ministry of Economic Development Ivan Untu. Speaking about the capital investment program-2019, he said that it included 113 objects. The amount of funding is 155 million rubles. Particular attention is paid to the Ministry of Health. Initially, over 41 million rubles were allocated from the republican fund for the repair and construction of medical institutions this year. The amount will be increased, based on the results of presidential inspection. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers it expedient not to be dispersed on numerous objects, but to concentrate efforts and direct finances to complete the work begun. It was said during the meeting that the approach to updating the medical infrastructure should be rational. Many buildings of healthcare institutions, in particular, hospitals and mother-and-child centers do not correspond to the existing need; therefore the options for combining medical facilities in general buildings or smaller building, but more functional premises are considered. At the same time, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that when changing the address of a medical facility in settlements, there should not be any vacant buildings. The President drew attention to the fact that architectural solutions must be modern: it’s not for anything to preserve massive, unattractive and costly in terms of restoration of the construction, Vadim Krasnoselsky considers. Reasonably, in his opinion, the approach to the design of new buildings should be economical.

There is high possibility of relocation of the capital social security department. The complaints of pensioners regarding the unsuitability of the existing building and the condition of the premises are justified, according to the President and the Head of Government. Alexander Martynov said that the four-story building of a furniture factory in Shevchenko Street was considered as one of the options for a new location. The Government is studying its capabilities, evaluating the state and analyzing logistics (it should be convenient to get to the building for older people). At the moment, the funds of the capital investment fund are allocated for the reconstruction of five objects subordinated to the Ministry of Social Protection.

Buildings under the jurisdiction of the judicial agencies were included in the program-2019. The State Penitentiary Service will update the boiler rooms. For the next three years, the work was planned on the construction of a tuberculosis building on the territory of one of the correctional institutions of the republic. The restoration of treatment facilities in the village of Glynoye is also included, without which normal functioning of this corrective medical institution would be unsafe. According to Alexander Martynov, the system of treatment facilities throughout the country will be reconstructed in the future. The Government is developing a comprehensive program.

The President spoke about the need to pay attention to cultural objects. Many rural recreation centers are in emergency condition, they are not heated, do not have basic amenities, while they are actively visited by rural residents. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that it is important for the development of villages and the construction of children's, play and sports grounds, followed by making park areas around. Ivan Untu said that until 2022, 173 sites will be equipped within the framework of the state program in the republic (the total cost will be 34 million rubles). This year construction plans include 42 of them - mainly in rural areas. When discussing this issue, a proposal was made by members of the PMR Public Chamber to allocate small amounts for the purchase of park equipment that would be interesting for children and affordable for their parents.

If we talk about the distribution of capital funds from a geographical point of view, then this year Tiraspol got 9, Bendery - 12, Grigoriopol - 6, Dubossary - 5, in Kamenka, Rybnitsa and Slobodzeya districts by 4 objects will be repaired.

In parallel, work is underway to form the following list. To date, it has been declared that it is expedient to include 118 objects in capital investment program-2020 (the estimated amount of expenses for their repair and reconstruction exceeds 84 million rubles). Proposals are accepted for consideration until May 1. The final list will be compiled and submitted to the government for approval by the summer. Vadim Krasnoselsky urged the heads of state administrations to be actively involved in this work, emphasizing that the opinion of local authorities is fundamental in setting priorities. At the same time, the President drew attention to the need for close interaction between representatives of the executive branch, deputies and the public in order to work out consolidated decisions aimed at improving and developing settlements in Pridnestrovie.

Another issue on the agenda of the extended meeting is the provision of socially significant facilities with equipment, furniture and inventory. The President considers that it is inadmissible to fill in the renovated premises with old outdated furniture. All objects built and repaired according to the program of capital investments are put into operation only when this requirement is fulfilled. The corresponding costs are included in the estimate of the fund. Ivan Untu informed that 34.3 million rubles were allocated for updating medical equipment. In addition, the program for the modernization of the kitchens of educational institutions is already being implemented. It is calculated until 2023. The cost of this year will amount to 1.6 million rubles.

Speaking about the effectiveness and significance of the capital investment program, the participants of the extended meeting noted not only the social but also the economic value of this project. First of all, thanks to its implementation, the state treasury for the last year increased by 26 million rubles in the form of tax deductions. Secondly, serious impetus has been given to development of construction industry, which has been in decline for many years. About a hundred construction organizations (about 1,500 people) are involved in the work. Three hundred new jobs are created. The problem was to find sufficient number of those who will be engaged. One of the reasons is not enough attractive salary level in this sphere. In addition, there are not enough specialists. Vadim Krasnoselsky in this regard noted that it is necessary to form a state order for the training of builders, emphasizing that this area should be involved in the dual education system. The President said that the first year of the capital investment program implementation made it possible to identify bona fide contractors and weed out unreliable ones. Vadim Krasnoselsky called the capital investment program as a whole an important project, the phased implementation of which will change the face of the republic, create comfortable living conditions for Pridnestrovians and make the country attractive for those who are not yet familiar with Pridnestrovie.


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