02/26/19 16:42


According to the member of Consultative Assembly of the First Pridnestrovian Deputies Vladimir Labunsky, further the authorities need to take measures for overcoming poverty, a disproportion of the balance of payments and budget, return home army of labour migrants

According to logic and common sense, the purpose of the state is to achieve the higher efficiency of the economy, to provide a steady rise of people welfare, to improve social life quality, to define the purposes accurately and to adopt an economic policy with available means and resources. 

«Proceeding from it several factors have to become the main strategic objectives of our Republic authorities. It is strengthening of statehood, expansion of the corporate relations between the labour and the capital, creation of the investment conditions, innovative investments of both the national, and foreign capital, formation of ideology of creativity and combination of efforts of all the Pridnestrovian society for performance of goals», - the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, the Member of the Consultative Assembly of the First Pridnestrovian Deputies Vladimir Labunsky writes in the article. 

According to him, in the modern world, the model of distributive democracy is one of the most widespread models. In its framework, the social contract unites lines of both horizontal, and vertical contracts where institutional bases, precepts of law provide cost efficiency and social justice, promote creation all of the increasing added value. 

«The Pridnestrovian Development Strategy 2019-2026 can apparently become the institutional base of such a model in our republic. The Strategy is only a first step, and the authorities should take at the legislative and executive levels concrete measures for overcoming poverty, the disproportion of the balance of payments and budget, return home the army of labour migrants. It can become that potential which will give to the economy the explosive development nature. 95 million dollars which arrived in 2018 from our labour migrants (in the 2014th – 200 million dollars) are only 1/3 part of the surplus value created by our people abroad», - Labunsky notes. 

In this Strategy the conceptual kernel in the form of development of such directions as political stability, economic self-sufficiency, social justice and the ideological basic principles is allocated, the expert reminds. 

Also, the national interests and priorities of the PMR are defined. 

«It also has to become a basis of formation of conceptual planning, statement of the purposes, tasks and the corresponding priorities at the level of the territory, the industry and the enterprise as a system approach to development and economic growth. The form has to be filled with contents as the form without the contents is practically useless!» - the author of the article considers. 

Such structured approach, according to him, will allow balancing market efficiency and social justice in various situations, to rationalize the choice and interaction between people and also to expect orientation and predictability of the pursued policy. 

«It will also become a basis of the economic development directed to the improvement of welfare and people's quality of life», - the expert is sure.  


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