Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia sign Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership

09/29/17 11:45

Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia sign Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership

Vadim Krasnoselsky and Raul Khadzhimba have put their signatures to secure the mutual recognition of the two countries based on the principles of respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity

Tiraspol, 29 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The signing of the treaty took place during the official visit of the Pridnestrovian delegation to Abkhazia. Vadim Krasnoselsky and Raul Khadzhimba put their signatures to secure the mutual recognition of the two countries based on the principles of respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity, the press service of the Pridnestrovian president reports.

By signing this document, the leaders confirmed the desire to build inter-state relations based on mutual understanding, justice, equality and non-interference in internal affairs, as well as on the established tradition of friendship between peoples. Speaking on behalf of the peoples of Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia, the presidents expressed their conviction of the need to further strengthen and promote friendly relations, comprehensive interaction, cooperation and partnership in political, trade, economic, cultural. social and humanitarian spheres.

The treaty consists of two dozen articles. These include both the political and legal foundations of the relationship, joint combat against criminality, terrorism, extremism, as well as economic integration, interparliamentary, intergovernmental and interdepartmental contacts, cooperation in the sphere of healthcare, science, education, culture and sports.

An important aspect of bilateral relations is to ensure free entry and exit for citizens to both countries.

The initial effect of the treaty is 10 years. If at the end of this period niether party declares its desire to terminate it, the document will be automatically extended every five years. The documented treaty is to be ratified in the near future by the parliaments of thу two countries. The treaty will enter into force upon the exchange of instruments of ratification. 

Another significant document that was signed today is the Agreement on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation between the cities of Dubossary and Gudauta. The "twinning" document was signed by the heads of municipal administrations, Ruslan Chaban and Ruslan Ladariya.

There are currently cooperation agreements between Abkhazia's State Youth and Sports Committee and Pridnestrovie's Ministry of Public Education, defence ministries, state universities, health care ministries, human rights commissioners of both countries, central election commissions and the chambers of industry and commerce.

In addition, there are permanent consultations between the foreign ministries and trade union federations.  There has recently been a certain rise in relations in the sphere of sports, youth affairs and culture.

Similar agreements were signed earlier between the cities of Tiraspol and Sukhum, Bendery and Ochamchyr.


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