Russian Central Election Commission renders methodological help to Pridnestrpovian collegues

02/18/17 17:40

Russian Central Election Commission renders methodological help to Pridnestrpovian collegues

Chairman of the Pridnestrovie's Central Electoral Commission has reported about it following the results of the trip to Moscow

Tiraspol, February 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. During today's meeting of the Central Election Commission of PMR, its chairman Elena Gorodetskaya has informed other members of the CEC on the results of a business trip to Moscow.

«We have discussed our experience of election to the State Duma of the Russian Federation with Vasily Nikolaevich Likhachyov responsible for the international cooperation in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. You know that we have faced some problems of the Russian federal legislation compicating holding of elections outside Russia. These obstacles should be cleared. We will send relevant analytics to the Russian Central Election Commission," Elena Gorodetskaya has reported.

At the same time, the head of the Pridnestrovie's Central Election Commission has noted that Pridnestrovian residents amount to a quarter of all Russian citizens voting outside Russia at the Duma elections.

Also, Elena Gorodetskaya has told that they have managed to reach a preliminary agreement on continuation of the methodological and advisory support to the Pridnestrovian Central Electoral Commission in preparation and holding of elections.


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