Dmitry Rogozin: It is important to show to the whole world that Russia will always be near Pridnestrovie

06/01/15 11:59

Dmitry Rogozin: It is important to show to the whole world that Russia will always be near Pridnestrovie

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation declared it during today's teleconference
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«Now, it is important to show to the whole world, and, first of all, to the Pridnestrovie's people that at this difficult moment Russia will always be near and keep security in the region generally and in the republic, and will maintain the political stability and diplomatic negotiations," Dmitry Rogozin emphasized.

According to him, Russia will upscale efforts to solve the situation when some neighbors of Pridnestrovie try to impose severe social and economic blockade».

He emphasized that building of social facilities in Pridnestrovie had been initiated by the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

«It is important for Pridnestrovie's people to understand that Russia will continue to build new facilities for social and economic sectors, for healthcare and education," the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation concluded.

During the videoconference, the head of the ANO «Eurasian integration» Alexander Argunov told about the construction progress of the facilities.

He noted that, including three today's kindergartens, five social facilities are already commissioned. It is planned to commission other facilities this year, except for the Tiraspol perinatal center, construction of which began a year after, unlike the other ones. Alexander Argunov declared that the management of the ANO «Eurasian integration cooperated with the President and the Government of Pridnestrovie closely and was understood in any arising issue.

He also reported that, despite all difficulties, about 90% of the medical equipment for the healthcare institutions under construction had been delivered to the warehouses in Pridnestrovie.

The Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk thanked Dmitry Rogozin, the Government and the President of Russia and also the management of ANO «Eurasian integration» for good work in this direction. He also emphasized, that considerable shortage of places in kindergartens had been in Pridnestrovie not that long ago, so the problem was actually solved with these facilities.


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