The PMR Security Council extended meeting was held

12/19/24 16:31

The PMR Security Council extended meeting was held

Members of the PMR Security Council held a second meeting dedicated to preparations in case of a reduction or complete cessation of gas supplies to the republic. They worked four hours. The President called for not giving in to panic, consolidating, making verified practical decisions, each clearly performing their functions and promptly informing the population about all steps, conveying confidence, not confusion. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the implementation of previously set tasks and gave new instructions. Ministers and heads of state administrations (the heads of local operational headquarters) reported on the process of preparation for ensuring the life of the Pridnestrovian society in the conditions of a potential energy crisis, informed about progress, existing results and the work being done. All aspects are being studied in two versions: plan A in case of a reduction in supplies, plan B in case of a complete lack of gas supply. The PMR Government Chairman Alexander Rosenberg spoke about the inspection visit to the Moldavian GRES, reporting that the power units of the Dniester station are ready to operate on coal. A list of agricultural facilities that are not subject to gas supply restrictions was announced. We are talking about agricultural enterprises that ensure food security. Manufacturing enterprises will be ordered to switch to night mode of operation if possible. Transport services will assist in delivering employees of such industries to their workplaces. The work of government bodies will be optimized to minimize energy consumption. Educational institutions are expected to switch to remote mode. Additional education will be organized at the request of parents of students based on the recommendations of specialized government services – sports and culture. Attendance at kindergartens is only for those children whose both parents will work. The heads of cities and districts reported which institutions will accept pupils and in what numbers.

Defense Minister Oleg Obruchkov reported on the availability of 40 field kitchens. The PMR Healthcare Minister Kristina Albul detailed the project for optimizing the provision of medical care in the expected crisis circumstances, telling which institutions will continue to operate on their sites and where they will send patients from medical institutions that will temporarily suspend the reception of citizens. An important point: they will temporarily stop conducting routine medical examinations in order to free up beds for urgent inpatient treatment from December 23. In total, 2355 hospital beds are expected to operate in the republic, 355 of which are for patients with tuberculosis and psychoneurological diseases. The ambulance service will use 54 ambulances that will not only respond to calls, but provide mass transportation of patients from one healthcare facility to another – provided with heat supply. They focused on creating conditions for the stay of wards of specialized social institutions. Particular attention is paid to organizing the activities of temporary stay and heating points. The heads announced specific addresses for placement, and informed about the availability of everything necessary.

They talked about reserves of alternative fuels to gas, including solid fuel. Citizens are allowed to collect dead wood manually without any permits. If you plan to use technical means, you need to get permission from the local state administration. Removal of dead wood outside the republic is prohibited, as is cutting down living forest.

They discussed how volunteer activities will be organized. A control center is needed. This responsibility is assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has been instructed to organize the work of the call center similar to what worked during the coronavirus pandemic. The experience of holding meetings of the republican operational headquarters in video conference mode will also be used. The main speakers in the new circumstances will be the heads of state administrations.


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