Current issues on the coronavirus agenda

11/12/20 15:07

Current issues on the coronavirus agenda

Increased attention was paid to appeals to the President related to healthcare system during today's meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President. Complaints and statements were received both from employees of medical institutions and from patients and their relatives who have claims in connection with the improper, in the opinion of the applicants, performance of official duties by medical personnel. The meeting participants discussed specific situations and the state of affairs in the health sector in general. Among the issues raised were gaps in the system for calculating co-payments for physicians involved in anti-coronavirus activities. The Ministry of Health was instructed to fine-tune the mechanism by making the necessary adjustments to the legal framework. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will study the finalized list of categories of recipients of COVID allowances. Another request from employees of medical institutions is related to the impossibility, due to the pandemic, to undergo training in refresher courses, on the results of which the category traditionally depends, and therefore the presence and amount of additional payments to the official salary of a medical worker. The Minister of Health noted that those employees who left attending courses at the last moment were in a difficult situation: a five-year period is allotted to confirm the category. Nevertheless, the President instructed to find a way out of the situation, noting that a pandemic is a force majeure circumstance that cannot be ignored.

As for citizens' appeals regarding the quality of medical care, signals come from Pridnestrovians regarding various institutions. At the meeting, Vadim Krasnoselsky read out individual complaints, giving appropriate instructions. Generally speaking, the President recalled that the state is taking all possible measures to support doctors, create good working conditions, and provide decent material support.

The President mentioned today the appeals received from some pupils’ parents of the Suvorov Military School. The essence of the statements is dissatisfaction with the fact that a coronavirus hospital has been deployed in the dormitories of TSVU. The President is outraged by such complaints. He recalled that a pandemic is a universal misfortune, which must also be resisted by all together. Anyone can be in this hospital, including those who today allow themselves such negative statements. Pupils of the school, like all schoolchildren, are provided with the educational process. Now it will be held remotely. The Pridnestrovian people need these currently idle premises to isolate and treat infected citizens. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that the pupils of the school are fully supported by the state, and such an attitude of their parents to the decision of the country's leadership, aimed at preserving the life and health of citizens, defies criticism.

A branch of the coronavirus hospital for asymptomatic or easily tolerated patients was opened on the basis of the Suvorov School by the decision of the Operational Headquarters. There are 300 hospital beds equipped, ready to receive patients. A similar unit of the hospital COVID network is being deployed at the Republican Cadet Corps. The electrical wiring is promptly updated there, as medical equipment requires more energy consumption. Washing machines and refrigerators have been purchased, additional shower cabins are being equipped. The work is planned to be completed by the beginning of next week. The first patients have already been delivered to the Solnechny dispensary, which has been redesigned for the coronavirus hospital (totally it can accommodate 202 patients), as well as to the wards of the Rybnitsa children's polyclinic (78 people are already undergoing treatment in this branch).


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