In May, industrial output increased by 11% as compared with April

06/29/20 12:20

In May, industrial output increased by 11% as compared with April

Almost all sectors showed recovery growth except chemical, electrical and electricity supply industry

Tiraspol, June 29. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Since May, in Pridnestrovie and in a number of other countries, there has begun gradual relaxation of quarantine-related restrictive measures. This immediately affected the state of the economy. So, according to the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank, the external demand for our goods began to gradually recover. Due to this, the volume of industrial production increased by 11% in May compared to April and even by 0.9% compared to May last year. Based on the results of the month, it was at the level of 918.4 million rubles.

Almost all sectors showed production growth except chemical, electrical and electricity supply industry. In general, industrial output amounted to 4 billion 559.7 million rubles in January-May of this year, according to the State Statistics Service. This is 0.6% higher than the base period.

Electricity showed an 8.6% increase in May compared to the same period last year. But due to a seasonal reduction in output, May lost 6.3% to the level of the previous month.

In ferrous metallurgy, parameters of May exceeded the value of April by 20.2%, while the figures of the same period last year - by 15.6%. However, as noted in the PRB, there has been significant reduction in production at current prices. This is due to lower sale prices for metal products, which can significantly affect production efficiency, despite the growth in volume terms.

Light industry also showed increase of two times in May compared to April. At the same time, due to a fall in demand in markets of partner countries, the volume of production was 15% lower than last May. If we take the period of January-May, the production of garments, cotton fabrics, shoes and clothes has decreased, while protective clothing output has grown.

In the building materials industry, the expansion of demand in May allowed to increase output by 48.4% compared to April. However, this is still lower (12.8%) than in the same period last year. In general, according to the results of January-May, there were produced less prefabricated facilities and concrete products, cement, wall materials and mortar in kind. The remaining schedule items showed growth. In particular, the output of unreinforced concrete products, commercial concrete and non-metallic building materials increased.

The electrical industry, on the contrary, exceeds (by 12.5%) the results of last year, but reduces (by 6.1%) the results of April this year.

In the machine-building industry, production parameters were restored: 2.3 times higher than in the previous month. However, despite this, the volume of production amounted to only 64.5% compared to May last year.

In the chemical industry, the lag turned out to be insignificant, both in comparison with the previous year (lower by only 0.2%), and in April (less by 0.9%). According to the results of January-May, there has been an increase in most schedule items.

In May, the food industry produced 7.5% more than in April, but 16.6% less than in the comparable period last year. If we take the parameters since the beginning of the year, the production of wine and vodka products and also beer, processed meat products and fresh meat decreased in kind. Confectionery, bread and bakery products, sausages and meat products also showed decline. Yet there were produced more quick-frozen fruits and vegetables, frozen meat, pasta and whole milk products. The same applies to the production of flour, cereals and animal feed.

In the printing industry, production increased by 21.2% in May compared to the previous month and by 8.2% compared to May last year.


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