“Don't panic”, - this is how the current preventive work of the Operational Headquarters established under the President’s eve to prevent the threat of floods was described

06/25/20 16:26

“Don't panic”, - this is how the current preventive work of the Operational Headquarters established under the President’s eve to prevent the threat of floods was described

The first meeting of the Operational Headquarters for the Prevention of the Threat of Floods, created by decree of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky was held yesterday at the Dubossary HPP. Today it was discussed in videoconference mode. Opening the working discussion, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that Pridnestrovians already have experience in dealing with floods and their consequences. They had to resist the "growing" water accounted for in 2008 and 2010. Now it is necessary to take into account the experience of past years, the President set the task. The Operational Headquarters includes the Heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of State Security, the PMR Defense Ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Dubossary Hydroelectric Power Station, as well as the heads of state administrations of cities and regions of the republic. The leadership is vested in the PMR Interior Minister. General control is exercised by the PMR President. It was decided to approve the personnel. This guarantees the personal responsibility of the officials involved in the work of the Operational Headquarters.

Ruslan Mova informed about the forecasts and reported on the current situation, and listed the most vulnerable areas from the point of view of the flood. In the Kamenka district, there is a threat of flooding of the village of Rashkovo, in the Rybnitsky district there is a threat of flooding of the village of Zhura, Butuchany, Stroentsy, Saracei, Zozulyany, Jerzhovo, Gidirim, Belochi, Vykhvatentsy, Popenki, Bolshoi Molokish. In Dubossary district, water may be near the villages of Tsybulevka and Garmatskoye. Villages of Teia and Speya in Gregoriopol district may appear in the zone of potential flooding of farmland. Households of some microdistricts of the city and a number of streets in the villages of Butory, Delakeu and India are also at risk. Merenesty of Slobodzeya district is in the risk zone. Responsibility for ensuring security in this village is vested in the Bendery administration (on the principle of territorial proximity, and not administrative affiliation). The villages of Giska, Kitskany, Chobruchi, Korotnoye, Glinoe, Krasnoye and Kremenchug, as well as some large areas of Bendery and Tiraspol, are at risk.

Local Operational Headquarters units are working to strengthen weak sections of dams (6 units in the Grigoriopol district, the same number in Slobodzeya and one extremely vulnerable section in the capital), to create a database of households and citizens potentially at risk in water, who may will have to be evacuated. Bases for temporary accommodation of such people are being prepared everywhere. Work is underway to inform the public about flood behavior. It was entrusted to form a stock of sand and gravel mix and bags to fill with it (partially). A ban on swimming in the Dniester was introduced throughout the republic. The use of water modes of transport is not recommended.

Tomorrow, the President has planned a detour of some sections of dams that require increased attention. 


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