The Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces took part in the expanded Military Board

01/21/20 15:18

The Commander-in-Chief of the PMR Armed Forces took part in the expanded Military Board

Summing up the results of the past year by ministries and departments is traditional practice. Today, the President estimated the work in 2019 of the Ministry of the PMR Defense. In the course of the meeting of the expanded Board, they talked about the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the level of training of military personnel, the material and technical and financial support of army units, the state of armament and equipment. It was also about discipline in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the PMR and the results of work aimed at increasing the prestige of military service. The speakers announced the final qualitative and quantitative indicators of 2019 and outlined the tasks for 2020.

Speaking about logistics and technical support, the speakers noted that this direction was considered a priority in the reporting period, which corresponds to the instructions of the President and the provisions of the PMR Development Strategy. All categories of servicemen are provided with daily uniforms. Fully updated winter forms. Bedding is replaced. Quality and varied diet of soldiers is improved. From various sources, including the Capital Investment Fund, funds were allocated for updating the army infrastructure. The revival and improvement of the Dniester Dawns recreation camp was mentioned: the institution is developing. In 2019, it was possible to partially replace musical instruments for the orchestra of the General Staff of the PMR Armed Forces. The military commissariats are provided with computer equipment, which allows high-quality fulfillment of the presidential order to automate accounting work. Timely repairs and maintenance of cars, equipment and weapons are carried out. The plans for the current year include the acquisition of modern technological equipment for gas stations, as well as the replacement of refrigeration and bath-laundry equipment for a number of army units.

In the course of the Board, they talked about the fruitful interaction of the Ministry of Defense with various bodies of state power and administration, as well as with the public. Educational activity was mentioned, both directly in the PMR Armed Forces and in educational institutions of a military orientation - the Military Institute and the Suvorov military school. It is indicated that 248 people are studying at the Suvorov military school, in the coming year the first graduation will take place: 18 Suvorov students graduate from the school.

The report on the results of work aimed at enhancing the prestige of the Pridnestrovian army was illustrated by the data of sociological study conducted by the Institute of Public Administration, Law and Social Sciences and Humanities. The main conclusion is that the attitude of the population towards the army has improved markedly. Based on the analysis of public opinion, it was noted that over the past three years the number of respondents who consider military service to be prestigious has increased by 20%; the armed forces have become an important participant in the socio-cultural life of the state, a platform for the development of youth. The work was carried out both in the direction of patriotic and ideological education, and through the participation of military personnel in numerous cultural events. In the reporting year, the Armed Forces organized and held contests “Minute of Glory” and “Voice of the Army”, the games of the “Club of Fun and Resourceful” and “Intellectual Battle”. As part of the Army Against Drugs campaign, the defense department held nearly three dozen sporting, educational, and cultural events. Under the auspices of the Army Sports Club, over 60 competitions of various levels are organized. Military personnel repeatedly became winners and prize-winners of republican and international competitions in various sports.

Summing up the overall result, the PMR Minister of Defense Oleg Obruchkov mentioned the main achievements of the past year and outlined plans for the future. He drew attention to the fact that the number of draftees after the army reforms increased by more than a quarter. The PMR Minister of Defense said that increased attention is now being paid to the training and advanced training of command personnel. As for the military training of military personnel: according to Oleg Obruchkov, noticeable increase in the quantity and quality of combat firing has a positive effect on the results. The Minister considers that in the future it is advisable to maintain quantitative indicators at the established level, and qualitative ones should be constantly improved. Focusing on the subject of infrastructural changes, Oleg Obruchkov noted that over the three years of the capital investment fund program, funding allocated for the repair, reconstruction and construction of facilities under the jurisdiction of the defense department has grown 3.5 times. The Minister considers the amount of funds sufficient today. An important task is to quickly and fully master them.

Concluding his speech, the PMR Minister of Defense identified the main goals, objectives and requirements, noting that two evaluations of the activities of the department — the PMR Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the population of the republic — are important to him.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky, before proceeding to an analysis of the results of the ministry's performance in 2019, focused on the situation that is developing around Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the course of the negotiation process, pressure on the PMR, measures taken by the Pridnestrovian leadership. The President emphasized the importance of the state of the Armed Forces, noting the role of the army in strengthening the independence of Pridnestrovie, developing the community of “Pridnestrovian people” and building a socially oriented state with a market form of economy. These aspects are reflected in the Development Strategy of Pridnestrovie, on the provisions of which the President urged to rely on in daily activities and service.

Speaking about changes in the Pridnestrovian army, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled his demand to change the philosophy of service, the implementation of which gave positive results. The introduction of a working day regime has virtually eliminated the so-called the abuse of new conscripts by older soldiers, a number of violations of military discipline is minimized, appearance, and attitude to the army have changed. An important factor is the possibility of combining studies at a higher educational institution with completing military service, the President noted, instructing to continue work on improving this system. Soldiers-conscripts should not be infringed or limited in their right to serve without interruption from the educational process, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky. In his opinion, such a practice should be welcomed and supported by commanders.

Assessing the level of combat training and its quality, the Commander-in-Chief noted positive changes, urging to be not ready to rest. The President recommended paying special attention to the tactical and special preparation for conducting modern combat in the city. According to him, in addition to the implementation of the usual combined arms training, it is necessary to turn to new forms. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the advisability of training the entire personnel of the Armed Forces, and not just separate special forces, to conduct an effective fight against enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

The President focused on the topic of training professional military personnel, noting that a full-fledged educational system has been created in the republic that can provide the defense sector with personnel. The President mentioned the upcoming debut release of the TSVU, urging to organize a significant event at the proper level. Vadim Krasnoselsky said that pupils of Suvorov military school will have soon their own mini-soccer field for improving sports skills. At the moment, the Suvorov military school is equipped with a modern gym and equipped with modern gym equipment; a table for practicing table tennis has been purchased.

In his appeal to the command staff of the PMR Armed Forces, Vadim Krasnoselsky paid particular attention to the mobilization readiness of the population of the republic, noting the importance of mobility and the willingness of citizens to defend the state if necessary.

The President positively assessed the activities on infrastructure improvement of the army units, noted the improvement of living conditions, food quality and the condition of military uniforms. He focused on the housing issue, noting that the implementation of the affordable housing program for state employees continues in new forms. They also spoke about the prospects for increasing the level of monetary allowance of people in uniform. According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, the country's leadership will take all possible measures to ensure the growth of salaries of state employees, including military personnel. If there is no negative influence of external factors, they will return to the issue of increase in the second quarter of this year.

Summing up the line, the President expressed his gratitude to the servicemen for their service and work, urging them to continue moving along the path of strengthening and developing the PMR Armed Forces in the name of the independence of Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky called on the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and all commanders to take care of personnel, emphasizing that the Armed Forces are not only a structure, the army is, first of all, people, citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.


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