Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting with representatives of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum

09/17/24 20:07

Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting with representatives of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum

The All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum is a consolidating republican movement created in 2016 on the initiative of the PMR President. He is the elected leader of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum. Vadim Krasnoselsky heard reports from the heads of the organization's departments today. The event was held in the House of Official Receptions of the presidential executive office. Members of the Presidium of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum, the most active public inspectors and heads of proven repair and construction organizations involved in the implementation of state development programs were invited to the conversation. Heads of state authorities, a number of ministries and departments joined the conversation. The activities of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum with an emphasis on checking the quality of work at sites included in the capital investment program and through the Road Fund were discussed. The President was informed about the results of the control activities carried out in 2023. The co-chairman and coordinator of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum Yuri Cheban and the heads of the city and district branches of the forum reported. It was noted that public inspectors checked about a third out of more than one and a half hundred objects of the capital investment fund 2023, and 45 units out of two hundred points of the Road Fund. About forty people were involved in the verification activities. The All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum received about one and a half thousand appeals from citizens, which contained gratitude for assistance, requests and recommendations on which objects should be given further attention by public control. Yuri Cheban said that members of a large number of public organizations that are part of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum, including youth organizations, were involved in the work In 2023. He emphasized that the inspectors are actively in contact with the balance holders of the objects and users, as well as with the contractors who performed work on the inspected objects. Representatives of all three areas are actively making contact in general. Refusals to cooperate are isolated. Specific officials who refused to cooperate with public control were named. The President instructed the heads of state administrations to pay attention to these cases. There is a presidential instruction: if the head of a particular organization hinders public control, employees of the department for combating economic crimes are automatically involved in the verification procedures. The results of the verification activities are generally satisfactory. Representatives of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum note that the identified violations and shortcomings are mostly corrected.

It is especially recommended to pay attention to several objects that have come to the inspectors’ attention. Repairs on one of the floors of the dormitory at the special (correctional) boarding school of types I, II, V (Tiraspol), have been completed. The activists insist that it is impossible to stop halfway: all the premises of the institution must be put in order. The cause of the dampness of the walls of the gym has been identified: one of the sections of the rainwater drain was installed with violations in the theoretical lyceum of Bendery. They are in no hurry to correct the error, using the wording "will be eliminated as far as possible at the same time". Representatives of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum insist that such an approach is unacceptable. The heating system does not correspond to the design documentation in the school in the village of Katerinovka (Kamenka district). A school-kindergarten of Krasnooktyabrsk has also been taken note of. 60% of the declared work has been completed there, and no one is ready to give an answer when the project will be fully implemented. They recommend paying attention to the section of the road at the intersection of Sovetskaya and Druzhby streets in Slobodzeya. The road surface is well repaired, but drivers complain about the dangerous hill and ask to install a warning road sign. There are complaints about the performance of the reconstruction work of a memorial in Dubossary. The analysis showed that there were shortcomings at the design stage. It was necessary to change the types of work, which entails the need to extend the deadline for their implementation. There are also questions about the supply of materials. The President instructed the government to join the inspection. The memorial complex of victims of political repressions, located near the bastion of the Tiraspol fortress, was mentioned in the courser of the meeting. Excavations related to the exhumation and reburial of those shot in the 1930s have been completed there. Researchers continued the work, having discovered artifacts related to the more ancient history of the city, in their opinion. Moving further towards residential high-rise buildings is unacceptable. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended stopping, and marked by the tragedy the place, the truth about which was extracted from the depths of not only the earth, but also human memory, to dedicate exclusively to the victims of repression. The structure of the memorial complex includes mass graves in which about five thousand exhumed people are buried, a museum located in the building of the powder magazine (here the victims of repression awaited the execution of the sentence), and the church in the name of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church, constructed on the site of the NKVD prison. The territory will be finally improved upon completion of all archaeological research work. Another memorial that was discussed today is in Tiraspol. It will be reconstructed, filling it with new objects. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will appear here - an analogue of the Moscow one, in addition to informational and illustrative stone canvases. This will not be a conventional place of worship, but a real burial. Reburial ceremony will take place on April 12, 2025, on the Day of Tiraspol's liberation from the Nazi invaders.

The meeting participants said that direct contact with citizens allows identifying not only obvious shortcomings or poor performance, but also detecting not always reasonable planning. An example is the improvement of the territories of educational institutions without repairing access roads and pedestrian paths leading to kindergartens and schools. It turns out that these are objects participating in different programs. They cited a specific case: Krasnodonskaya Street and kindergarten No. 42 of Tiraspol. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that he had repeatedly encountered a similar problem while inspecting various institutions and always pointed out the need for a comprehensive approach to improvement with his instructions. The President is sure that half measures are ineffective. We are talking about ensuring not just comfort, but the safety of children, the President noted. He recalled that he had put forward an initiative to allocate budget funds for the purpose of tidying up intra-block roads and intra-yard areas. The current mechanism provides for funding this area on a residual basis, which in the current economic realities is equivalent to its absence. The presidential law-in-draft did not receive the required number of parliamentary votes. The initiative will be re-submitted to the Supreme Council for consideration at the insistence of members of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum.

The interlocutors talked about specific objects and the work of the forum in general. They outlined plans and discussed tasks. The most active public inspectors by the end of 2023, as well as the heads of reliable contractors, whose quality of work does not cause complaints, were noted with letters of gratitude from the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, concluding the meeting, spoke not only about the importance of public control, but also about the fundamental consolidating function of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum. The President emphasized the leading role of the Pridnestrovian people, noting that their strength is in unity, thanks to which the people of Pridnestrovie are invincible. Vadim Krasnoselsky informed the public that 2025 would be declared the Year of the Pridnestrovian People by his decision, and urged members of the All-Pridnestrovian People's Forum to actively participate in the preparation and implementation of relevant events.


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