The President’s speech in the course of the rally at the Kitskany bridgehead

08/27/24 12:20

The President’s speech in the course of the rally at the Kitskany bridgehead

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

We celebrate an important date today. Our region, our Motherland, our Pridnestrovie was liberated from the German-fascist-Nazi-Romanian evil spirits 80 years ago. The theme of the Great Patriotic War is voluminous, multifaceted, tragic, interesting for the feat of the Soviet people. We must understand who was defeated then. Dozens of concentration camps and ghettos were built here on the territory of the so-called "transnistria" (this is the occupation name of our region) during the occupation, which lasted from August 1941. More than 300000 civilians were exterminated on the territory of "transnistria", which included the Odessa region. All this was led by the so-called Marshal Antonescu, who was in fact a bloody dictator, a child killer, a rapist. This is history. Romania left the war as a result of the Jassy-Kishinev operation, essentially became an ally of the Soviet Union, Marshal Antonescu was arrested. It would seem that that was it, period, the end of this history, the terrible history of Europe. After all, not only "transnistria" was covered with dozens of concentration camps and ghettos, all of Europe was covered with its network. Europe was turned into a conveyor belt of death. For the first time in the history of the entire globe and all wars, people were killed in industrial quantities, on an industrial scale. Please, think about it, there were engineers who killed people. New technologies were tested in order to have time to do more of this. All this happened in Europe. It would seem quite recently. It was possible to free Europe from this horror only thanks to the feat of the Soviet multinational people. The Europe was zombified, enslaved, fooled by and large. They were victims. Of course, the people fought, the politicians were in charge, but ideology, the fascist-Nazi ideology, was the most terrible abomination that one can imagine in this case.

It seemed to everyone that everything was over, the ideology was finished,then, on May 9, 1945, but what is happening today defies any explanation. When monuments were erected right in the same execution pits to those who killed, murdered hundreds of thousands of people. The victims lie below, and there is a monument to the fascists and Nazis above. It is terrible.

Please, look at what is happening in Europe. The opening of the Olympics. It would seem that it is not related to this topic, but in fact, it is only kind of not related. This is a mockery of Christian values, of the 12 apostles, this is more than blasphemy. They can demolish Soviet monuments, they can invent that the Soviet Union started this war, they can say that the Soviet Union never liberated anyone, they can erect monuments to fascists and Nazis, they can mock Christian values. All this is being done globally, big ideological machines are working on this, I assure you. Here is the question. What should we do, Pridnestrovie, each of us? We must remember, educate the younger generation, create continuity between generations. Not be afraid to tell the truth. To come in any weather (it started raining - no big deal) to lay flowers at memorials. Attend churches, temples, pray. How else? This is the only way we can resist this, and we will constantly do it. Pridnestrovie is a small territory, but common sense and historical truth have been preserved here. We are not afraid of this truth, we are not ashamed. On the contrary, we show it, whatever it may be. Of course, we talk about the feat of the Soviet people, the Soviet soldier, the victorious soldier. Unfortunately, there are few of them, the veterans are leaving, only a few remain. May God give them health, and eternal memory to the fallen.


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