The President determined grant recipients

05/15/24 15:07

The President determined grant recipients

The social projects Republican competition winners for the provision of grants from the PMR President have been announced. It was held from February 12 to March 29 this year. Several dozen applications were received. A special interdepartmental commission checked each for compliance with competitive requirements. About 30 projects were selected in various categories (family, demographic and migration policy; promoting employment; social assistance and care; development of the social environment; public health, physical education and sports; public safety, civil defense; technological education; innovations in education; science, scientific services and scientific and technical policy; preservation of the environment; socialization and civic involvement of young people; preservation of traditions and historical heritage; improvement of the quality and comfort of the modern urban environment. The commission members, having studied in detail the ideas proposed by the participants, formed a list of social projects recommended for financing. The final decision was made by the President. Today he signed an order according to which six projects were recognized as winners of the competition:

- “Sports and children walk the planet. Rehabilitation of children with disabilities" of the "Turunchuk" ecological public organization;

- “Archaeology” of the initiative group led by Vitaly Sinika;

- “Fight and Win” of the “Sports club for disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders in table tennis “TIRAS-ROCKET” public organization;

- “Frontier markers” of the “Union of Customs Service Veterans” public organization;

- “Creation of a sensory room in the municipal educational institution “Bendery special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type” for children with disabilities and the Bendery Treatment and Diagnostic Center of the initiative group led by Vera Karanedova;

- “Military sports club “BARS” of the public organization “Republican Union of the PMR Defenders”.

The size of grant payments varies depending on the content of the project. The total amount of funding for the current year is 3 million rubles.


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