Preparation for the May holidays was discussed in the course of the meeting with the President

04/29/24 14:48

Preparation for the May holidays was discussed in the course of the meeting with the President

Preparation for the upcoming May holidays – May Day, Easter, Day of Rejoicing and the Day of the Great Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War – was discussed in the course of the video conference, traditionally conducted at the beginning of the week by the President Vadim Krasnoselsky. The heads of state administrations reported that towns and districts are actively preparing for these events. City services clean up public places, citizens organize Saturday voluntary work day and clean their yards and the surrounding areas. Cultural workers have already drawn up a festive program. The PMR President noted in turn that the May holidays are a traditional time for citizens to relax, and instructed the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure public safety.

Speaking about one of the main holidays of the year – Great Victory Day, the President recalled that the republic remains at a “yellow” level of terrorist threat. This year there will be no traditional Victory Parade and procession of the Immortal Regiment in this regard. Vadim Krasnoselsky offered citizens an alternative to the mass march. “We must come on May 9 and lay flowers at mass graves in all cities and regions. In addition to flowers, take a portrait of your father, grandfather, great-grandfather with you and go to the place of laying flowers, bow to the fallen and stand in silence for a minute as a sign of gratitude and memory of those who won this terrible war,” said Vadim Krasnoselsky, noting that almost every Pridnestrovian family has its own heroes – participants in the Great Patriotic War.


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