The President inspected the future state museum exhibition hall dedicated to the Great Patriotic War

04/12/24 12:09

The President inspected the future state museum exhibition hall dedicated to the Great Patriotic War

Work is being carried out on a systematic basis to preserve in Pridnestrovie  memorial sites, memorial complexes, monuments and graves of participants in the Great Patriotic War. New objects are created. Museum quarter is being built in Tiraspol – the infrastructure of the future Pridnestrovian State Museum is being built. An important place in its structure is given to the tragic events of the 1940s of the last century. The exposition of the Great Patriotic War will occupy a special hall in the main building of the museum. The creation of the facility is under the personal control of the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky visited it with his regular work inspection. The President was accompanied by the heads of the legislative and executive authorities of the republic Alexander Korshunov and Alexander Rosenberg, the PMR Government Deputy Chairman Sergei Obolonik, head of the capital's state administration Oleg Dovgopol and chairman of the Tiraspol City Council Vadim Doni.

They discussed design project for the future exhibition hall, exchanged opinions on its contents, selection of the exhibition fund, and creation of a diorama. This museum block should be ready to receive visitors for the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.

They talked about the upcoming renovation of the Tiraspol Memorial of Glory and other memorial sites being reconstructed in the towns and villages of Pridnestrovie.


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