Working meeting of the PMR President with public and administrative authorities was held

04/08/24 12:39

Working meeting of the PMR President with public and administrative authorities was held

The heads of state administrations of towns and districts of the republic during the weekly video conference informed the President about the current state of affairs, local implementation of state and municipal programs, as well as presidential instructions.

The lack of a regulatory framework establishing requirements for children's playgrounds was among the topics raised in the course of the meeting. They are working on the document. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that new facilities of this category should be put into operation only in agreement with the local state administration regardless of who initiated, financed and implemented the project. The capital's mayor said as part of the discussion of this topic that work is underway to lay specialized soft coverings on playgrounds and sports grounds for children in Tiraspol. Oleg Dovgopol mentioned in his report the upcoming renovation of the City Palace of Culture. The head of the city noted that they will start with the roof. The head of Bendery spoke about the centralized replacement of lighting fixtures in educational institutions of the city. This program has been implemented for several years. Vasily Tishchenko focused on the landscaping work carried out as part of the landscaping month. 560 tree seedlings and 400 rose bushes were purchased for Slobodzeya district. Some of them were planted on the territory of the renovated memorial complex “Kitskany Bridgehead”, the rest were distributed among the settlements of the region. The head of administration mentioned that the Slobodzeya district department of public education is preparing to celebrate its 80th anniversary. There is a hero of the day in Rybnitsa district: the local museum is exactly half a century old. A thematic exhibition is dedicated to the 50th anniversary.

The events held and upcoming events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of cities and regions of Pridnestrovie were discussed in the course of the meeting. The PMR President gave current instructions. These include organizing municipal meetings of heads of state administrations with representatives of local Unions of Defenders of Pridnestrovie.


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