The President took part in the reporting meeting on the work results of the PMR Ministry of Finance

03/29/24 14:07

The President took part in the reporting meeting on the work results of the PMR Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance summed up the results of the department’s activities in 2023. The meeting was held via video conference. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the work. The reporting information was announced by Alena Ruskevich, the Minister of Finance.

Speaking about budgets at various levels, the Minister emphasized that their implementation was carried out under the influence of unpredictable factors – an unstable foreign policy situation and an unfavorable foreign economic situation, which seriously affected the activities of many enterprises of the republic, including budget-forming enterprises. The speaker spoke about state support measures, noting that assistance from the state in monetary terms exceeded 140 million rubles. An important aspect: revenues and expenses despite the difficult circumstances significantly exceeded in 2023  those of 2022, when the country was experiencing the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the introduction of the economic state of emergency. Social obligations in the reporting period were fulfilled in a timely manner and in full. 48 residential premises for orphans and 56 apartments were purchased to support youth, the purchase of 72 apartments was subsidized, indexed deposits of the population were paid, tariffs for the population for utilities were maintained, and treatment of Pridnestrovians abroad was financed in addition to ensuring the payment of salaries, pensions, benefits, within the framework of state programs.

Alena Ruskevich detailed information about the state's implementation of various development programs. She spoke about activities aimed at improving the budget process, as well as various legal norms related to finance. She talked about financial and budget control, on the results of the implementation of new tax regimes. She highlighted the interaction of tax, law enforcement and investigative authorities, as well as working contacts with the business community and citizens. There was talked about staffing. 73 specialists were hired at departments of the Ministry of Finance, and 66 people were dismissed for various reasons during the year. The staffing level of the ministry's apparatus is 83%, tax inspectorates - 85%, financial departments - 98%.

The President gave an assessment of the department’s activities after discussing the information presented by the Minister. The work at the end of 2023 was considered satisfactory. The President focused on the fact that the fundamental tasks of the ministry are to ensure that the state fulfills its social obligations to citizens and the financial well-being of the country as a whole. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended strengthening interdepartmental cooperation and interaction with economic entities and organizations representing their interests.


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