The President highly appreciated the work of the healthcare system based on the results for 2023

03/28/24 15:13

The President highly appreciated the work of the healthcare system based on the results for 2023

The Ministry of Healthcare held an expanded board meeting. The department summed up the results for 2023. It was discussed via video conference. The President assessed the activities of the Ministry of Healthcare.

The keynote address was given by Christina Album. The minister's one-and-a-half-hour speech contained statistical data, detailed information about the level of availability of medical care, personnel and logistics, measures taken to improve the medical infrastructure, implementation of state programs, law-making work, interaction with government agencies, citizens, and the media.

The population of Pridnestrovie decreased during the reporting period and amounted to 455741 people as of January 1, 2024. Average life expectancy increased at the same time from 71.4 in 2021 to 74.4 years in 2023 (70 years for men, 78.3 years for women). The birth rate has decreased by 6.6% compared to 2022 (2588 babies were born in the reporting year, 51.1% of whom were boys, 48.9% of whom were girls). The highest birth rate in the republic is in the capital, it is low in Slobodzeya and Grigoriopol districts. The mortality rate is 5.3% lower than in 2022. It is the lowest in the capital, the highest in Kamenka district. The Ministry of Healthcare detailed data on mortality due to various diseases. She specifically focused on child mortality, noting that there has been a decrease in this indicator over the past 10 years. No cases of maternal mortality were recorded in 2023, as in the year before, which indicates the high level of work of maternity institutions. Christina Albul drew attention to the fact that the number of births last year was 6% less than in 2022 at the same time.

The minister said that there was an increase in the incidence rate in 2023. The leading ones are respiratory diseases, injuries, poisoning and other consequences of external causes, as well as infectious and parasitic diseases in the general structure. If we talk about such an indicator as morbidity (prevalence), then it has also become higher. The first and third places are for the same diseases as in the analysis of morbidity, and diseases of the circulatory system took second place.

The speaker focused on diseases classified as socially significant. 125 HIV-infected citizens were identified in 2023, and 31 people diagnosed with AIDS were taken under observation. Both figures are lower than in 2022. The number of diagnosed cases of tuberculosis has increased. It is noted that the increase is largely associated with the intensification of preventive work and early detection of the disease. Viral hepatitis remains a common disease. The number of recorded media increased by 11.6% over the year. They talked about oncology. The primary incidence rate at the end of 2023 increased by 2.7%, the diagnosis was confirmed in 1822 patients.

Christina Albul spoke about the vaccination carried out in the country, emphasizing that this work allows us to maintain the status of the region free of polio and keep the incidence of vaccine-preventable infections at a low level. Vaccination coverage does not reach the WHO recommended rate of 95% at the same time.

The information block was dedicated to state targeted programs in the field of healthcare. There are six of them in Pridnestrovie: prevention of HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases, improvement of oncological care, immunization of the population.

The minister spoke about field events. They talked about “Healthcare equipment” running throughout the republic. The medical campaign covered 70 settlements and more than 5750 people. A mobile fluorograph was in operation. The equipment was delivered to 15 enterprises and more than a hundred settlements. 25 thousand people were examined.

The topic of providing high-tech specialized medical care in medical institutions of Pridnestrovie did not go unnoticed by the speaker. This area is developing. The range of video laparoscopic and simultaneous operations being performed is becoming wider. The activity of endoprosthetics of hip and knee joints is growing. Equipment for laser lithotripsy was purchased.

The practice of sending people for treatment outside the republic using budget funds continues. The provision of medical care abroad to 867 patients was financed in 2023.

The provision of healthcare with personnel: doctors – 80.4%, paramedical staff – 87.1%, junior staff – 94.9%. As of January 1, 2024, the state system employed 1595 doctors, 3238 mid-level health workers, and 2125 orderlies, said Christina Albul. She informed about the training of young specialists and the work being done to improve the qualifications of staff.

The minister’s report contained information that funding for the healthcare sector in 2023 exceeded a billion rubles. Increased attention was paid in the line of Capital investment fund. The capital investment program covered 22 facilities, and almost 56.5 million rubles were allocated to put them in order. Another 50 million are funds intended for updating the material and technical base of medical institutions.

An important aspect following the results of last year was the implementation of a pilot salary project, which made it possible to significantly increase the level of salaries of RCH employees. The minister announced specific figures.

Commenting on the data presented at the board, the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the effectiveness of the pilot project and its expansion to other medical institutions of the republic. He considers justified optimization an expedient measure aimed at the prudent use of funds allocated by the state. Speaking about personnel, the President noted that the situation with the provision of medical institutions with specialists is much better than in other structures. He emphasized at the same time the importance of the fact that the republic has educational institutions that train doctors. The President focused on the need for strict control in all areas. He talked about the importance of finely sensing the line between cheap and poor quality, especially when it comes to the health and lives of citizens. Savings should not be to the detriment of the level of medical care, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.

The President told which medical institutions were included in the Capital Investment Fund 2024 program, recalling that now the heads of state administrations at the location of the facility are responsible for the work.

The President spoke positively about the activities of the Ministry of Health in general, aiming for further fruitful work and continuous improvement in all areas.


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