The PMR President took part in the work of a large reporting and election Assembly of the Black Sea Cossack Army

02/17/24 15:20

The PMR President took part in the work of a large reporting and election Assembly of the Black Sea Cossack Army

Pridnestrovian Cossacks gathered in the assembly hall of the university Cultural and Educational Center named after Cyril and Methodius. The event is a large reporting and election Assembly of the Black Sea Cossack Army. The President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the work. 

There are seven structural units in the structure of the Black Sea Cossack Army of Pridnestrovie. The principle of formation is territorial – public organizations are represented in towns and districts of the republic. The total number is 3429 people. Large Assembly includes representatives of all structural units. 224 Cossacks took part in the meeting today. They discussed the results of the activities of the Black Sea Cossack Army for three years – from February 2021 to February 2024. The report was made by military ataman Igor Nebeygolova. He spoke about the work carried out during the reporting period, emphasizing that the main task of the Cossacks is to protect the independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Work with youth, patriotic education, preparation of young people for service in the PMR Armed Forces are among the areas of activity. Ataman noted that active work was carried out with the militia and the Cossack reserve, and reported on the participation of 70 Cossacks in military testing sessions. 11 persons took the Cossack military oath. According to the head, the training was not held due to the increased terrorist threat in 2022, but in 2023 it was longer than before and more intense in terms of military training. The speaker drew attention to the inadmissibility of such a phenomenon as refusal in the ranks of the Cossacks. Ataman spoke about strengthening and developing interaction between the Black Sea Cossack Army and government authorities, the public, and the media. He spoke about the participation of Cossacks in numerous cultural, sports, educational and social events. He reported on the creation of the official website of the Black Sea Cossack Army and the publication of the newspaper “Cossack News”, the electronic archive of which was transferred to the largest libraries and archives of the Russian Federation. He informed about the contacts of the Pridnestrovian Cossacks with representatives of the Cossacks of other states. The military ataman called the establishment by presidential decree of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression of the Cossacks an important event. Pridnestrovians officially celebrated this date for the first time on January 24 of this year. 

The President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the memorial event. With his support the memory of the military ataman Ryabinsky was immortalized, whose name the festival of Cossack culture now bears. A personalized memorial plaque was installed on the house where Major General Ryabinsky lived. The President initiated the creation of Cossack Culture Center in Slobodzeya. The placement is ready. Ataman called on the Cossacks to actively participate in the work of filling the center. Using funds from a presidential grant, the stanitsa (Cossack settlement) of Tiraspol opened a class for technical education for children. The Cossacks actively cooperate with the Tiraspol Suvorov Military School, the Republican Cadet Corps, and the Makarenko School, said Igor Nebeygolova. Cooperation has been established with the Pridnestrovian State University and the Military Institute of the PMR Ministry of Defense. Ataman focused on some negative aspects in the activities of the Black Sea Cossack Army, emphasizing that the authority of the Black Sea Cossack Army depends on the behavior of each Cossack.

Today’s agenda includes the election of a military ataman, the approval of the personal composition of the governing bodies and the determination of the main directions of activity for the next three years in addition to summing up the results of activities. The Cossacks supported by a majority of votes the candidacy of the current ataman, entrusting Major General Igor Nebeygolova with further leadership of the Pridnestrovian Cossacks. Symbols of civil and military power as well as the ataman’s saber were solemnly presented to the newly elected military ataman; his deputies in the districts were elected. The atamans of the Cossack districts were sworn in.

The PMR President spoke about the activities of the Black Sea Cossack Army. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the complexity of the current situation, emphasizing the importance of the participation of the Cossacks in protecting the country’s borders and ensuring the safety of Pridnestrovians. The President touched upon some aspects of the history of the Cossacks, including its tragic pages. He mentioned the inclusion of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Cossack Repression to the calendar of memorial dates, recalling what caused the Cossack genocide. According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, the Cossacks were seen as a threat, since they were highly organized, capable and ready to defend the Fatherland and the Orthodox faith. The President noted that from one to two million Cossacks were killed during the period of repression, according to various sources. There is no exact information, since no one kept records of the victims of the Cossack genocide, destroying it uncontrollably and with impunity. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the democracy inherent in the Cossacks at all times.

Aiming the Pridnestrovian Cossacks for further service, Vadim Krasnoselsky called on the Black Sea Cossack Army to be the support of the state in protecting its borders and people. He recommended that law enforcement agencies more actively involve Cossacks in participation in training and military training. He drew attention to the expediency of the Cossacks mastering modern technologies.

The President spoke about the contribution of the Cossacks to patriotic education, the preservation of history, culture, traditions and the Orthodox faith. He called for involvement in the preparation and holding of events within the framework of the Year of Family and Family Values, and for work with youth to be carried out more systematically.



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